Don’t Spit In The Wind, Don’t Pull On Superman’s Cape, and Don’t Mess With Gen. Honore
General Russell Honore is one of my heroes. I saw what he did cleaning up Bush’s mess after Katrina. And everything he did during Rita.
When Nancy Pelosi appointed him to investigate what happened at the capitol, I knew he was one of the few people in the world willing to jump into a pile of poop and dig around to find the pony. I have just been given more reason to trust him – Republicans are squealing like stuck pigs.
Why? Oh, you didn’t know Honore is a “dedicated partisan.”
Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, tweeted Wednesday: ‘General Honoré is an extreme partisan and should be the LAST person to head up an investigation of what happened at the Capitol on Jan 6th.’
Ron Johnson doesn’t believe there was an insurrection that day because not everybody had a gun.
Yeah, they are scared. It’s Honore.
- Tweeted days after the riot that Hawley ‘should be run out of DC’ and called him a ‘little piece of s***”
- A number of PACs said they would refuse to donate to Hawley after he sought to overturn election results after the riot
- Hawley called Honore’s comments ‘very disturbing’
Disturbing to Hawley maybe. Honore made the statement in response to Professor Lawrence Tribe, head constitutional law professor at Harvard Law, who said Hawley should be removed from the senate.
Honore also suggested that the Sergeant of Arms and the capitol police “may have been complicit.” Well, let’s find out.
Thanks to SGray for the heads up.