Don’t Piss Off City Council

June 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Frisco is a little town of rich people in north central Texas.

I’m saying they are rich.  I am not saying they are smart.  Because they are not.

A lawyer by the name of Terri Green is running for city council in Frisco.

You would think that a lawyer would know that city councils cannot overrule federal civil rights law.

You would think that and you would be wrong.

Here’s what Terri mailed to her rich friends.


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Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 1.12.32 PM

Click here to enlarge it.

Terri says she understands that boys should not be in girls bathrooms. What the hell is wrong with Terri? I’m way more worried about boy’s bathrooms. All the kinky Republican stuff happens in boys bathrooms. Terri must have been asleep during Larry Craig, Dennis Hastert, Jerry Sandusky, and a whole mess of Catholic priests.

I kinda hope Terri gets elected and has to debate US Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Or fight her fist to fist. That would be kinda fun.  My money is totally on Loretta in both cases.

There’s things city councils can do.  They can save your butt from Dengue and Zika virus but those things aren’t in bathrooms, where Teri’s mind is.

Thanks to Mel for the heads up.

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