Don’t Panic. Bubba Paid the Ransom

November 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I am home from a fabulous evening in Georgetown, Texas, with the Sun City Democrats.  I just flat wore myself out having fun and so I had to stay the night.  Jim Hightower was great and had high praise for the Texas Democratic Party’s new grassroots outreach.

I met an amazing young man running for congress named Louie Minor who reminded me why I am proud to be a Texan.   I also met some Juanita Jean customers who were gracious enough to laugh at my jokes.  Hi guys!

I want to say something.  It was a packed house last night with about 450 people willing to pay $50 each to hear some Democrats with a sense of humor.  We are seeing this resurgence all over the state.  The crowd last night was all over 50, 98% white, had at least $100 burning a hole in their pockets, and mad as hell.  It did my heart good.

TexasEllen gave me a very cool button and a big ole hug.  It was worth the trip!

Now I have 278 emails to open but I hope a least one of them contains something that tickles my fancy just right so I can post about it.


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0 Comments to “Don’t Panic. Bubba Paid the Ransom”

  1. My friend. My on-line friend.

    Please take care of yourself. We all can do with Juanita Jean, on a sort of sparadic basis. I do not think we could do…. without her. Pace yourself. Rest when you need to. And post when you feel like it.

    Take it easy. Some of us will work on our patience…. in the meantime.

    Just stay well.

  2. I was there last night with my Sun City Democrat sister-in-law, and you’re right about it being a fired-up and motivated bunch of angry Dems. The guy next to me was–I swear–munching jalapeno slices as if they were potato chips. Now that is a seriously tough Texas Democrat!

    Louie Minor just makes my heart swell and my eyes brim–he is part of the bright future of Texas Democrats and I will do all I can to help him, since he’s in my Bell County district!

    Miss Juanita was in fine form, and it was great to see her and Bubba in person.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    I hate to say this but I don’t think Juanita Jean LIKES to pace herself. I think she’s having a grand old time. Not that I would know face to face since I’ve only seen photos of her. I have high hopes of actually meeting her some day. But yeah, JJ, take care of yourself, whatever that means. One of these days when you’re coming to the Austin area I really think you oughta let all of us Austinites on here have an exclusive JUANITA JEAN’S OUTREACH downtown somewhere. Well, exclusive to Democrats and other orneries. Meanwhile feel free to join STUD, the South Travis United Democrats at Brick Oven, Slaughter at Brodie, around 6 pm on November 19 to hear what our guest speaker from SAVE OUR SPRINGS has to say about the water situation in Texas. We’re true Democrats: we’re almost totally disorganized. We’re getting it down to a fine art.

  4. Just read on Huffington that Rick Perry was being interviewed by Chuck Todd, NBC Chief White House Correspondent, and called him
    “Todd” twice, as if that were his first name.
    Those glasses aren’t helping.

  5. Glyn–JJ was in fine shape when she warmed us up for Wendy Davis in College Station, but I couldn’t find her afterward to shake her hand–must have been on her way to more fun!

    If you have a chance to go where she is–do!

  6. Fired-up Democrats is good. Not sure the ALL over 50 (and 98% white) is good…. Nothing against over-50 white people, since I am one, but diversity is even better.

  7. Sweet Crabby says:

    Oh, my (and I am not copying George Takei). 90% white is all wrong. 50 and over is just fine, but I may be biased because of all the old folks I hang out with at the senior center. Plenty of people have opinions I want to hear, but we won’t get them in a room that’s 98% white. That has to change.

    We all have to work a lot harder at finding and welcoming ALL Texans into our efforts to turn Texas blue. It won’t be easy.

    Politically, Texas is like that grandchild who comes to visit; rowdy and loud, with the attention span of a gnat on crack. He reminds me of an audience for Gregg Abbot. Abbot waves a gun and everybody yells “Hallelujah!” but they don’t know what they’re cheering for. They just follow the noise.

    We have to work at focusing on the things we want to change, and make sure our noise is directed at something specific because if all we do is make loud noise, we’ll be like that grandchild everyone makes a fuss over, but they secretly hope that he’ll shut up and go home soon.

    The folks at the senior center are counting on you. Come register us, and make sure someone can drive us to the polls next time, OK? And talk to people, all the people. Walk and talk, walk and talk. The folks at the senior center are counting on you. Do us proud.

  8. TexasEllen says:

    Sun City is a retirement community in Georgetown (Williamson County) Texas. The Sun City Dems is a terrific 400 member group of retired folks which can volunteer for all sorts of good dem deeds, throw very dandy fundraisers for our candidates, and show up and vote in numbers. Glad to have them down the road about fifteen miles.

  9. Rhea, a pretty good smattering of the Sun City retirees are Jewish; in fact, I’d bet a much higher percentage than in Texas as a whole. That’s sort of a diversity thingie.

  10. Diversity comes in lots of varieties. Sun City retirees are migrants. We come from New York and California, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Ohio and Oregon and all other points north and east. We came because you needed us. Texas needs a lot more of us white Democrats to diversify and thin out the herd of good ol’ Texas white boys and girls that wear the GOP/TEA label. On the other hand, getting our black neighbors and friends up north to migrate down south is going to be a pretty hard sell. Their contribution to diversity is needed right where they are.

  11. We had a lot of fun in Sun City for our Turn Texas Blue event.. I finally got to meet JJ. What an honor and a hoot! Wehad terrific speakers and candidates. Yes we here in SC Tx are “fired up & ready to”. Join us and watch what we can all do together!!! Thank you and take care,JJ.
