Don’t Forget To Vote Today!

November 07, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



0 Comments to “Don’t Forget To Vote Today!”

  1. Nice.

  2. For some unknown reason, Virginia has its state elections in odd years and every two years, the entire legislature is up for grabs. This means that those of us in DC and Maryland are inundated with ads for people we can’t even vote for (or against) on a yearly basis. Next year, we will be hit with ads for national offices in both states. (There are usually far fewer ads for DC’s local offices.)

    I’m just glad those increasingly negative ads won’t be on my TV after today.

  3. BarbinDC, I sympathize and can relate. I get them from all over the country and have since the beginning of 2023. It’s way too early, and I refuse to bite for the most part. I block the texts and emails asking for money or predicting doomsday but also make a note on my calendar of which candidates I will support once January gets here. I wish it would stop. Anyway, I’m hoping for the best results from today’s elections.

  4. My mom actually told me I needed to vote. Immediately after telling me that she wasn’t going to vote. Which is nice since I’m sure the result would be a net vote if she did.

  5. On Election Day today, let’s also celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the Donald Trump Four Seasons Total Landscaping gathering, which might be considered the start of One Stupid Thing After Another.

    If he couldn’t find the Four Seasons Hotel, what chance did he have of finding votes, or voter fraud, Melania, or pretty much anything other than a golf course the last few years?

  6. With the exception of Mississippi, which deserves better than what they got, I am thrilled with all the election results. I hope there is something the Democrats can do to make sure Tate Reeves doesn’t get elected ever again through the kind of election tampering that happened this time. Really…a majority black precinct ran out of ballots at the two hour mark, and there was a line around the block waiting to vote.
