Don’t Dance in the Street Yet, But You Can Start Looking for Some Music

November 12, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Supremes have turned down taking up the Oklahoma undamnconstitutional law that forces a woman to look at an ultrasound of a fetus prior to having an abortion.

The decision Tuesday leaves intact an Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling that struck down the law on the basis that it ran counter to the top court’s precedent on abortion restrictions and placed an unconstitutional burden on abortion rights.

It marks the second time in just two weeks that the top court had rebuffed a chance to review an Oklahoma court ruling that struck down a restriction on abortion.

Hey Oklahoma, kiss my big bus butt.  You lose, you rightwing losers.

Odds are pretty good that I won’t like anything else The Supremes do this year so maybe we should at least celebrate that.

Thanks to Maggie Mc for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Don’t Dance in the Street Yet, But You Can Start Looking for Some Music”

  1. I note that the Oklahoma Supreme Court has been consistently tossing out the extreme anti-abortion laws passed by the state’s Tea Party Legislature. I wish the Texas Supreme Court would do the same.

  2. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    It’s all part of the plan. Run for office on the need for a strict law. Pass a ridiculous law that you know will be declared unconstitutional. Run for office on the need for a strict law and an end to activist judges. Whatever it takes to stay in the seat is what will be said and done.

  3. Any tiny reason for celebration is worth setting out the chips and dip for. And anyone who is clever with words can figure out ways to make stuff sound good. I’m generalizing here. I’m not THAT good with words but I know a lady who is.

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Uh, Juanita Honey, Did you mean Kiss My Big Blue Bus? Or Kiss My Big Blue Butt?

    This: “kiss my big bus butt” is wrong. I’ve met you. I know bus butts. You do not have a bus butt.

  5. Is there something wrong with my thinking that if people (meaning politicians, journalists, etc.) would just begin telling the real truth that the general public would begin to fall in line behind the truth? If what you hear is correct, it might not be what you want, but it’s what is. I know this is flawed thinking. Somebody please explain it to me! I’m just a poor Ph.D. who asks too many questions that don’t have good answers.

  6. Bet they don’t take up the Texas one either, and that’s NOT a victory for women. Unless you believe what the Pubs are saying.

  7. After what the Supremes did to the Voting Rights Act, it’s hard to celebrate anything.
    It virtually ensures the Repugs will gain control, barring an Act of God.

  8. Maryelle, God has a sneaky way some times of doing things! Please remember that it was me what said that after I get hit by a bolt of divine lightening.

  9. Here is a link to Greg Abbott’s brief to Scalia on HB2

    It is not that well done and Greg is assuming that Scalia will accept Priscilla Owen’s legal reasoning as being sound

