Don’t Be Debbie Downer. Be Eric Upper.

June 19, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wisconsin United States Senate candidate Eric Hovde is just sick and tired of hearing about poor people.  He’s sick of it, ya hear me!  No more talk about poor people.  Or sick people.  Or hungry people.  Or people whining in pain or something.

Eric Hovde is, of course, a Republican. He was speaking to the, of course, Chamber of Commerce.

Eric Hisownself: But, hey, let's talk about ME!

During the Q&A portion of the event, Hovde expressed his support for lowering the corporate tax rate, tackling the country’s spending problems and lowering the national debt.

Then, pointing to a reporter in the audience, Hovde said he would love to see the press stop covering sad stories about low-income individuals who can’t get benefits and start covering issues like the deficit more frequently.

“I see a reporter here,” he said. “I just pray that you start writing about these issues. I just pray. Stop always writing about, ‘Oh, the person couldn’t get, you know, their food stamps or this or that.’ You know, I saw something the other day — it’s like, another sob story, and I’m like, ‘But what about what’s happening to the country and the country as a whole?’ That’s going to devastate everybody.”

Right!  Who cares about some sick hungry child when what we really need is more corporate profit!    Uh, in case you didn’t figure this out already, Eric is a real estate developer and financial adviser.

I could not help but notice that Eric, who calls himself  “a Christian with a deep sense of personal responsibility,” said he was praying that the reporter got the story right.  I refer you to James 4:3 where prayer is discussed.

When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

You made little baby Jesus cry, Eric.  You did.

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0 Comments to “Don’t Be Debbie Downer. Be Eric Upper.”

  1. Lorraine in Spring says:

    First, Eric coild pass for a used car salesman turned preacher for profit. Or a smarmy contestent on one of those stupid TV dating shows. Mostly though, he’s a match for another Bernie Madoff or Allen Stanford.

    Second, I suggest all the poor people in Wisconsin make their way to Eric’s house so they can personally introduce themselves to the young & stupid Mr Eric. It would do him good to meet some of his constituents face to face.

    Third, I agree with young Eric that we have some spending problems. I suggest all elected state employees give up 50% of their paychecks to help the cause since the rest of us poor working folk gave up almost half of our income & savings since 2008 THANKS to people like the young and greedy Eric.

  2. I am practicing to become a Republican.

    Did you see what that damned Obama has done now? The price of gas is plummeting. That will affect my dividends from Exxon, Texaco and BP. Oh, yeah, I read that left wing drivel that says Obama can’t do a thing about gas prices, but this is clearly his fault. Rush said so.

    And all that wasteful spending he loves and that is bringing down our country. He never should have started the war in Iraq which is still costing millions and he should have stayed out of Afghaistan which is costing billions. And his other wasteful spending like the unfunded Medicare Drug Plan and No Millionaire, oops, I mean Child Left Behind. These are clearly Kenyan, socialistic, communist inspired ploys to destroy America.

    How am I doing? Sound stupid enough to register Republican? Let me know.

  3. Your quote from James makes a great tweet for your favorite Republican/Teabagger congresscritter. I sent one to Orange John.

  4. Makes you wonder if his Sweet Baby Jesus is the same one we call Sweet Baby Jesus … and if God the Blessed Father is the same God as the one we know to be the Blessed Father of our Sweet Baby Jesus!

    Do you suppose it is the heat wave? This blasted too-early-summer-heat-wave may be affecting some of those Republican brains more then usual!

    I don’t believe Eric the Idiot even knows any part of his Bible and those that spout I’m A Christian louder then the rest probably wouldn’t know Deut. 15:11 — For the poor will never cease from the land; therefore I command you, saying, “You shall open your hand wide to your brother, to your poor and your needy, in your land.” Or, maybe, they skipped that part!!

  5. frankstwin says:

    Blow that whistle and drop the little yellow flag, ref.
    It’s a mandatory 15 yard penalty and loss of down for using “like” twice in one sentence as if you are a 14year old.

  6. A poor person is one who doesn’t do business with Eric so he can earn a profit. Talk about White Whine!!
    He among many with the same attitude gives Christian a bad name. For all their quoting it’s not likely they read the real teachings.

  7. Anthony Lopez says:

    End the war let the Bush tax code expire for the top 1% and that should lower the debt about 75%

  8. There is no way to say how sick and tired I am of people like this.

    Our friend, Eric, is one of those guys that sweet Jesus would have thrown out of the Temple.

  9. Elise Von Holten says:

    As a (speak softly now) Jewish (Jew-Bu, actually) person, I am tired of my Old Testament getting co-opted by the “Sweet Baby Jesus” crowd (don’t worry-I know he was a sweet baby-they all are) my fire and brimstone Abba is contractual and gets pissed off fairly easily–so I wouldn’t mess with him in the cherry picking way the Xians do–I would side with the JJ crowds”SBJ” reality of sharing and taking care of those who need taking care of in a heartbeat–but this Eric guy and his peeps need to go, quietly, loudly, I don’t care just go–they are making me sick every time their mouths open…
    The Dali Lama said, “My religion is kindness…” thats good enough for me.

  10. Gene, I think your Republican disguise is almost complete…however, in your diatribe you failed to either mention how Christian you are or how very un-Christian (or is it not a real Christian?) Obama is. Add that and you should have it down.

    I think the reason Eric is so mouthy about personal stories is because that is how GOP candidates communicate. He does not like the shoe on the other foot – afterall they think this tactic works. They do not want to make points by using facts or figures (probably because they always misquote them or flat out hyperbole them), what they want is to find an individual’s story to represent the whole.

    That is why the stupid perpetuation of misinformation like that abortions cause cancer, after all Mary Sue had an abortion and she developed breast cancer just last week…obviously these things are linked.

    The GOP mouth pieces don’t even seem to need two incidents to say it’s a trend – one will serve.

    Sidenote: A mentality that reminds me that in Aggieland we used to joke that for most people it takes 3 occurences before it is “tradition.” For Aggies it becomes a “tradition” with the 1st repeat.

  11. People like Eric are primarily responsible for there being so many sad stories about poor people. He has some nerve and is stupid if he thinks he can just wish them away. Sorry, Eric, but when people can’t make enough to take care of themselves and their families because of greedy people like you don’t pay decent wages, you are going to hear about it. All your snot-nosed snits are in vain; deal with it!

  12. Thanks you, Ms. Star. I appreciate your comment.

    I deliberately omitted any reference to religion as I plan to infiltrate our local mosque and find righteous proof that Obama is a Muslim. That will take a bit of time, but I shall persevere.
    A Republican friend (see how liberal I am? I even break bread with ’em.) sent me page after page of the ills Obama has thrust upon this country, but when I refuted her with facts and documentation, she grew angry and blamed him for everything but the Great Flood. I guess that’s next.
    Where was all this whining when Dubya was spending us out of a surplus into a deficit? Gawd, I agree with Miss Juanita – it is so hard not to hate a Republican. Ignorance I can tolerate but stupidity I can’t.

  13. Corinne Sabo says:

    Whatevr happened to ‘let them eat cake’? oh, yeah, she got beheaded…..

  14. Where’s that scourge of knotted cords when it’s sorely needed? Every time this guy says “Jesus,” Jesus needs a bath.

  15. Lorraine, we Cheeseheads would love to make our way to Eric’s house and take a few of our struggling friends with us, but he lives in Washington DC. He has not lived in Wisconsin in 25 years. At least he’s honest about not giving a flying flip the 98% of Wisconsin’s citizens who have had their hinies kicked by the one-two punch of George Bush and snotty Scotty Walker economies. He wants his taxes cut and his ego stroked and he figures buying a Senate seat is a great way to accomplish both. The teabag knuckleheads have so thoroughly taken over the WI GOP that he probably doesn’t stand a chance of getting nominated, though, because he doesn’t screech enough about hating guys and adoring fetuses.

  16. Not hating guys, hating gays. Too much rum and coconut water tonight. This hot weather just melts the brains of us northerners.

  17. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Anne S: How can he represent Wisconsin constituents if he doesn’t live there? What a tool. A Koch tool, apparently. Good luck to you guys!
