Don’t Ask. Do Tell.

September 21, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Jim Hightower, the smartest man in Texas, once said that the only thing in the middle of the road is yellow stripes and dead armadillos.

And Maine Senator Susan Collins joins that esteemed crowd today.

“Susan Collins has more excuses than the Austin High School attendance office,” Juanita says.  “She’s now saying that although she supports the repeal of DADT, she will vote with the other hateful people in the senate and filibuster it.”

“You know, I think we should call their bluff.  Let them filibuster and make them follow the rules.  Let those old jerks have to speak day and night and continually think of terrible things to say about why our brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, aunts, friends, and lovers are not fit to fight and die for their country.  I’m sick of their danged threats.  Make them do it.  Let America see them for what they are — cowards.”

And now Juanita will put away the soap box.

But we know where to find it and she’s liable to stand on it again.

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