Don We Now Our Gay Death Panels
I think I’ve already told you guys that east Texas is the 3P Capital of Texas: Pines, Poverty, and Pentecostals.
But this time it’s the East Texas Southern Baptists. Specifically, Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas.
The pastor of that church, David Dykes, has taken his sweet patootie to Uganda to fight United States foreign policy of denying aid to that country until they stop their Kill The Gays campaign.
I’m extremely upset that our state department is putting pressure on Uganda to recognize homosexual behavior. And I’m praying that Uganda will say, “We don’t want your money, America. It is blood money. It is sin money.” I hope that you will continue to stand strong on what the Bible defines as the definition of a real marriage.
In fact, Pastor Dykes (and yes, I get the irony) has promised that American churches will raise the money to replace the US aid money. That’s fabulous, you know. He does not say, however, if he will raise the money to pay for the gay funerals.
… In America, Christians are going to put as much pressure as we can on our government not to cut the aid to Uganda over this issue. But if they do decide to do that, we’ll let our displeasure be known, but we’ll try to step in as the Church in America to try to make up sending resources over here, especially to the churches. We hope to stand alongside the believers of Uganda during this time of crisis.
What crisis? They aren’t killing gays fast enough?
Thanks to D. Karen for the heads up.
Now comes the fun part. Do you know what church Louie Gohmert belongs to and where he serves as a deacon? Come on, guess.