Doing The Dew

August 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

David Dewhurst holds the distinction of having his butt on a rope handed to him by wild tea party candidates not once, but twice.  He lost to Ted Cruz for senate and Dan Patrick for Lt. Governor.

I think he’s just given up.

Dewhurst Hidden Wealt_DoraThe Federal Election Commissioner just sent him this letter (opens in PDF) about his financial filings.

There’s a few problems.

Your report discloses a negative ending cash balance of $14,332.61. This suggests that you have overdrawn your account, made a mathematical error, or incurred a debt.

That’s illegal.  You can’t have a negative balance unless you show an unpaid loan.  Dew didn’t.

Schedule D of your report itemizes debt owed to Fulbright & Jaworski, LLP with an outstanding beginning balance. This debt was not included on your previous report.

So he forgot he had lawyers?  Fancy ones, at that?


Schedule D of your report discloses apparent credits for debt owed to OnMessage, Raconteur Media Comany, and Texas Association of Counties.

Please provide further clarification regarding this credit.

Raconteur Media?  Really?  Dew is the guy who ran some of the dirtiest ads in Texas political history.  Raconteur Media?  Really?

You know, I think David Dewhurst ended his political career with far more than $14,332.61 in the hole.  Now who doesn’t have a shirt on his back?

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Doing The Dew”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, he COULD have a bunch of worse accounts unpaid, or at least ones that look badder on paper. I’ll let y’all think about it.

  2. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Either Republicans can’t do math or they’re addicted to hiding their preciousss mammon.

    Stupidity or greed, either reason should disqualify them from running for any office where they may have access to taxpayer’s money.

  3. Just $14,332.61 in the hole? What about the monetary value of his soul? Or did he take cash for that up front?

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Feeling friskily facetious, Micr, implying that Dew ever had a soul?

    If those guys had a ounce of honesty, they’d hire Alfredo to keep their books.

  5. Sorry JJ..

    This…. doesn’t get my vote.

    Sorry Hillary….. neither do you.

  6. @PKM:
    Yep. Dew left us no doubt WHAT he was. Now we’re are just seeing the audit of how the final price was haggled over.

  7. Kris Williams says:

    Doesn’t he check his online balance? Perhaps he should start a “go fund me” page and claim brain damage for sympathy cash!
