Does Dumb Trickle Down?

April 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so Mike Pence visited the Mayo Clinic today … and refused to wear a mask.



The mask isn’t to protect him – it’s to protect everyone else, including patients.

There’s no explanation yet as to why the damn hell he’s not wearing a mask.  Explaining why you would want to endanger sick people with a cold or a flu you might have would be a great exercise in good manners.

They are just so damn arrogant.



I dunno – maybe masks muss their hair.


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0 Comments to “Does Dumb Trickle Down?”

  1. He’s incorrigible, isn’t he?
    Always exposing his germs (not in the Bible, so they don’t exist) where he shouldn’t.

    Like during his NASA visit, in a clean room, with hardware clearly and in large, red, all capital letters labeled:


    … and Mike’s got his entire flat palm on the apparatus.

  2. WTH is wrong with the doctors there? They should have refused to let him get near the patients. They are not blameless. What if tRump had come in coughing, would they have allowed him access because of the office?

  3. Maybe he was on the front row for brother Copeland.

    Hope I did that link right.
    Full disclosure, I don’t remember if I saw this in here, but John Oliver had it.

  4. Had it been an ordinary citizen: 1. No way would you be permitted in the hospital to visit anyone. 2. Even going to an ER, you must wear a mask. 3. He should be in strict quarantine after this visit.

    Cheryl @ 2
    Totally agree. But would any Dr let some one without a mask near a patient right now? Perhaps the guy in the chair isn’t a patient, but a “stand-in” for one, just for Dense’s visit.

    Is it wrong to hope that Karma is going to slap one of these arrogant a-holes sideways?

  5. Okay, so maybe fourth row. I checked the link to see if I’d done it right, and realized that even though it was probably the fifth time I’d seen it, I’d never noticed the seats being empty. In my defense, that’s something you either can’t keep watching, or can’t keep from watching. Even if it makes you feel like you need a shower.

  6. treehugger says:

    Mayo sent instructions before the visit to wear a mask and he still didn’t. This administration thinks that they are above rules and are better than everyone else and why the hell Mayo didn’t just hand him one and order him to put it on right then or the deal was off is beyond me.

  7. Dickeylee says:

    Ok, ok, God gives him all the protection he needs! And his daughter is shaming all those nasty hussies wanting abortions, so all is good.

  8. Dense doesn’t even look like he’s is practicing social distancing.

  9. Dickeylee says:

    And the elbow bump! Social distancing!!

  10. Malarkey says:

    I don’t really care do u?

    The motto of this crime syndicate.

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    Even worse than C-19, he could be spreading trumpitis. Just as harmful, maybe deadly!

  12. Old Fart says:

    I don’t know if stupidity trickles down^, but cruelty certainly does…

    ^ I always thought it floats, kind of like certain waste products.

  13. There are n naughty words strong enough to describe the arrogance and st00pidity of pence.

  14. Jane & PKM says:

    Actually the st00pid trickles up just like the money. It’s all making sense now why Covidiot* 45 needs his* covidiot campaign rallies. To keep his level of st00pid brimming full.

  15. Teh Gerg says:

    Trickle down? It seems to be concentrating at the top.

  16. Remember when Trump removed his bottle of water from the table at a meeting and Pence immediately took his off too?

    Trump won’t wear a mask so Pence has to follow suit. He can’t afford to make Dear Leader look bad. Nikki Haley is waiting in the wings for any misstep.

  17. Cheryl, Papa, and treehugger:
    Unless the “stand-in” theory is valid, I personally think we’re witnessing the progression of authoritarianism in real time.
    Being scared of :
    Offending/questioning/not flattering/not glorifying/not worshipping f*cking trump is the reality being pushed on Governors, and anybody else who wants to do their jobs, but depend on the Federal Government for things THEY’RE CONSTITUTIONALLY ENTITLED TO.
    Piss off f*cking trump and forget whatever you NEED from any entity controlled by the executive branch.

    And it’s working so well that the deference now applies to Pence. Hence doctors from one of the most prestigious institutions in the country allowing….. this.
    Just my opinion and I’m just as full of shit as anybody else.
    But if this is remotely valid, what are the odds that Billy Barr might be easing towards taking advantage of it.
    Just a smidge.
    What are the odds?

  18. AliceBeth says:

    I used to be a Nursing Supervisor in a hospital. I would have had no trouble standing in front of Mike Pence or anyone else and refuse them entry without that mask. A basic responsibility of any medical facility is Infection Control. There are policies and people who that is their sole job. Today, the Mayo Clinic, of all places, failed that responsibility. I am horrified the nurses did not step up. I would have started out speaking quietly and calmly explaining the situation. After that everyone in the whole damn place would know how wrong it was. All of my almost 5’2″ self would have stood in his way.

  19. jrkrideau says:

    I used to be a Nursing Supervisor in a hospital. I would have had no trouble standing in front of Mike Pence or anyone else and refuse them entry without that mask.

    Bravo. That is performing your job correctly.
    It is your responsibility and duty.

  20. jrkrideau says:

    Mike Pence visited the Mayo Clinic today … and refused to wear a mask.

    Vladimir Putin wears hazmat suit to visit coronavirus patients in Russia

    Mainly theatrics I suspect but the message?

    Of course, Putin believes in science.

  21. charles phillips says:

    He’s got Dukakis Syndrome, the political meme that says anything you put on your head can be used against you.

  22. Brad in Dallas says:

    Y’all this is Pence’s declaration that he’s running for president. Certain ambitious GOP pols (including some currently infesting Austin) are seeing the signs of a November defeat, and are making plans for 2024. That he did it by appealing to the quarantine protesters should tell you a lot about what the Fox News headlines will be for the next couple of years. I’d buy stock in funeral home providers that serve red states, and reverse mortgage sellers that advertise on OANN. I think I’ll check to see if I can buy the domain name

  23. Then why the hell didn’t the docs throw the bum out? If I had pulled a stunt like that (and I never would), that is the first thing that would happen to me. the docs played right into his sick game and became a part of the endangerment.

  24. Marcia in CO says:

    I heard Pence on MSNBC last night, after showing the Mayo Clinic appearance segment, that he didn’t wear a mask because “… I want to be able to look the doctors in the eyes!”
    Brian Williams stated that if the masks are blocking your eyes, then you are doing something wrong! SMH

  25. Pence announced he didn’t have to wear a mask, cause he gets tested every day for CV. Yeah, and on us, the tax payers, that fund his gold-plated health care.

  26. Dixie Beal says:

    I guess sometimes you just gotta pull for the virus.

  27. Remember, Pence is an evangelical and they all claim to be covered in the blood of Jesus to protect them from all harm.
    Well, I am not sure about that but they all have blood on their hands.

  28. Catspaw Dagger says:

    “But Jared told me that he was all out of masks.”

  29. Dear dumb- nuts, You wear the mask for others, think of it as a sign of respect.
    I would have screamed the place down if I’d have been there. VP or no VP . He really is stoopid.
    What the hell, he gets tested EVERY DAY. What the shit is he afraid of, a little virus. What about the teacher who just died in NYC, would have been nice if there were tests available for everyone.
