Do You Spell Doofus With OO or a U? I Suspect It’s Spelled P-a-u-l R-y-a-n

September 09, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know the difference between  Paul Ryan and Darth Vader?  Darth Vader finally left the dark side.

Here’s the deal.  Folks are disrupting Paul Ryan events and the thin-skinned Mr. Ryan is having them arrested.

According to Oak Creek Patch, as many as a dozen protesters were escorted out of the event. Another dozen or so left willingly.

Ryan seemed supremely undisturbed that a senior citizen worried about receiving the Medicare he’s paid into his whole life was treated so brutally. Indeed, Ryan made light of the arrest and quipped to the audience, “I hope he’s taking his blood pressure medication.”

Paul Ryan can kiss my big blue butt.

Video here.

And the Republicans laughed. Maybe they would have clapped if the cops had executed the man on the spot.

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