Do You Mean Funny As In Odd or Funny as In Ha Ha?
Funny can mean a lot of things. Don Christy of Indiana knows none of those meanings.
Christy shows up at his town’s 4th of July parade in a golf cart of his own design.
The front of the cart had a stuffed animal with sign saying, “African Lion” under it. Take a deep breath now…
On the back, a doll with an Obama mask was propped in a toilet with a sign reading “Lying African.”
Ya wanna take a guess whose political signs the 73-year-old Christy had on the top of his golf cart?
Yeah, that’s right.
“I’m not a Democrat. I’m not a Republican,” Christy told IndyStar. “I’m a patriot.”
And a racist idiot. You forgot the racist idiot part, Christy.
As an extra nice addition to his goofball theme, Christy was wearing an orange prison jumpsuit and a blonde wig.
Christy said he tries to do something funny and outrageous in the parade every year. Last year, he dressed as a gay person, he said.
“Me and a guy got married (during the parade),” he said. “It was funny.”
Gay people wanting their right? Hilarious!
Here’s Christy’s thoughts on the matter …
But Christy told IndyStar that his float was not intended to be racist. He’s tired of political correctness, he said.
“It’s time to start changing our country back a little bit,” Christy said.
Yeah, I wanna say the N word. It is unpatriotic of you not to allow me to say the N word.
“I have my right to say things,” Christy said. “Isn’t that what the Fourth of July’s about? Freedom.”
“I apologize to anyone I offended, which would be a total liberal.”
I hope I make it to November without screaming.
Thanks to Brad for the heads up.