Do You Know How You Know You’re Too Old To Be Making Decisions for Young Women? Your Name is Orrin, That’s How.
Orin Hatch from the great state of Utah, is about 134 years old. He owes Noah a dime. He can be carbon dated.
The act of procreation is just a vague memory to him. So, he figures that messing with your procreating abilities is the next best thing.
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) said on Monday that if the Supreme Court rules against Hobby Lobby, which sued the federal government to block Obamacare’s contraception mandate, he’ll propose a constitutional amendment.
“I hope the Supreme Court doesn’t screw that up is all I can say,” Hatch said about the Hobby Lobby case during a Memorial Day speech in Wood Cross, Utah, according to the Salt Lake Tribune. “Because if they foul up the First Amendment again, we are going to have a constitutional amendment. And I believe I can put one on that everybody in this country, except the nuts, will support.”
So, having a uterus I feel like I own makes me a nut? Do I have to rent it out to you if you demand? Does my employer get to use it on weekends? Do you get to make speeches from there?
It’s my damn uterus. Leave it the hell alone.
All I am asking is not to be treated differently because I have a uterus. I should get to make my own decisions about birth control without some nasty old man putting an amendment in the constitution saying I’m a tramp or an idiot who should not / could not be aware of my own beliefs.
He’s 80 years old. He needs to get laid.