Do You Hear Banjo Music?

April 11, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

South Carolina has a novel idea.  You won’t believe me when I tell you this because whoever came us with it is probably too drunk to fish.

The Stand Your Ground worked so week for Trevon Martin and George Zimmerman that the state legs wants to extend it to fetuses.

On Thursday, a Senate committee in South Carolinavoted to expand the state’s so-called “Stand Your Ground” law to approve the use of deadly force to protect a fetus. The proposal would grant pregnant women protection from prosecution if they were defending their “unborn children,” defined as “the offspring of human beings from conception until birth.”

This is clear and plain an end run around abortion.  I’m just waiting for it to be used on women’s health physicians.

I hate these people.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Do You Hear Banjo Music?”

  1. OldMayfly says:

    The anti-choice, anti-woman people have used this general idea before.

    In the ’90s they argued against their prosecution for trespass by claiming that breaking into a clinic and harassing staff, clients, and clients’ companions was just the same as walking down the street, seeing a house on fire, and breaking in to save people inside.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    I stand by all my previous posts, Juanita Jean. As the GOP trends further crazy Xtian Wrong, the love the fetus and hate the child.

    GOP is a solid -10 on the social issues, while they are below quicksand on reality.

    WTG Let’s bomb Iran for friends, it worked so well in Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Holy Gohmerts! Thirty plus years of Trickle Down failure, $trillions in debt for neocon wars, etc, etc, yet they cling to the same failed policies. Bobby Jindal was incorrect. the GOP is not the “stupid party,” they’re the STUCK on stupid party.

  3. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I had to kill that nurse, yer honor, she was a comin’ at me with one of them Shop-Vac thingies that they use to suck the baby right out through yer belly. I just knowed she was a goin’ ter attack my unborn baby. Why no yer honor, I didn’t know fer SHUR that I was pregnant but me and Billy we was gettin’ kinda hot an bothered last month and I’m pretty sure that he got his Anthony Weiner near enough fer me to see he was a takin’ pitchers of it to show his other girl friends and then his sister, the nurse, started to come at me with that Shop-Vac so I just had to shoot her seven — er was it nine? — times with my single shot .410.

  4. Maybe PKM is right:
    “GOP… love the fetus and hate the child.”
    Instead of fighting these laws, encourage Dem legislators to add amendments that allow a mother to stand her ground if her living, breathing child is hungry because a lawmaker voted to take away her food stamps. Or her child is dying because a Governor didn’t accept the free funding to expand Medicaid for children in their state. See how many votes a law like that gets.

  5. GOP stoopid glued to pink and blue fantasies are going to do them in. There are even GOP stoopid doctors who actually believe that conception is immediate despite the fact that in med school they saw with their own eyes and some really far out fancy tech equipment that sperm may start out strong but end up pooped, few and far between and have trouble finding an egg after a journey that can take 2 to 3 days! Hence they refuse to aid a rape victim in preference to the “victim” that they insist is “there” but really isn’t. Whiskey tango foxtrot, mama! When are these whatevers gonna grow up!

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Thank you, Rick! Until children are fed and educated, I have no sympathy for the dolts who decry their lack of an educated work force.

    It’s unbelievable! The GOP supports mass murder, fails workers and attacks children. It is not hyperbole to declare the cuts to education and food as an attack on children.

    Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi? No. Tax, tax and tax on those who benefited from 13 years of war. We’ll be safer, once the rest of the world knows we have come to our senses and we are done with the 1% MORONS.

  7. Marge Wood says:

    Now let’s see if I got this right. A woman says she is pregnant and is just walking along minding her own business when somebody attacks her, no, I think this is backwards. She attacks somebody, no, the fetus attacks somebody, does anyone really understand what this possible law says? I mean, NOBODY is going to let a lady into a clinic in a backless nightgown in with a gun in tow. Or are they? or is the intent to just confuse everyone–the pregnant woman, the doctor, the nurse, the fetus, the legislators, the milkman–I’m gonna go read a dumb novel.

  8. Funny that it took an Al-Jazeera reporter to ask one of these gohmerts why a woman might *want* to have an abortion and got him to admit that he “hadn’t thought about that.”

    Whole lotta these guys just don’t bother to think!

  9. Angelo Frank says:

    Keep away from pregnant ladies in South Carolinastan. They are authorized to use deadly force. My reaction: “Beam me up Scotty!”

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Can’t wait to hear wingnuts read a fetus its Miranda rights. Do you understand these rights as I’ve laid them out before you,fetus? Not gonna answer,eh,smartass fetus. Well we’re coming in after you you lawbreaking little bas$%$d and if you’er an off color fetus you can decide to spend the rest of your life in the pen-not the playpen.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Come to think of it,what if the fetus is called as a material witness to its mother hosing some doctor down trial? Do they seperate mom and fetus so she can’t can’t coach its testimony and can they really make a fetus testify against its mom?

  12. maryelle says:

    The South Carolina state motto is:
    “While I breathe, I hope. Ready in soul and spirit.”
    Are they hoping for a brain, intelligence, compassion, wisdom? That ship has sailed.
    All they are left with is the spirit of Jack Daniels.

  13. RepubAnon says:

    So a woman doesn’t have the right to cite a “stand your ground” law – unless she’s pregnant?

  14. Aggieland liz says:

    Ya know, the depth and breadth of ignorance I encounter, firsthand and anecdotally, is staggering. Absolutely, mind bogglingly staggering. It is like staring down into the bleakest abyss imaginable.

    What a lot I have to be grateful for! I shall discuss it with my various plant-denizens tomorrow. I wonder what the trees would say about it?

  15. There’s no rationality left in conservatives. There’s only rationalization. Any argument is a good argument as long as it’s theirs.

  16. @Aggieland: ignorance is curable. Stupidity and cupidity are forever.

  17. Thanks DonA @3! That was great! Thanks to all of you — it’s always so nice to visit with people who haven’t given up on thinking!

  18. Fred Farklestone says:

    Everything has a beginning and a end, so who determines the “moment of conception?” Will SC have a Conception Czar?

  19. Bob in TN says:

    Wow! Who knew there were so many unscrupulous abortion doctors in South Carolina? Ones who would rush out into the street to drag an unsuspecting pregnant woman into the clinic to perform an unwanted abortion on her? And here I was thinking that there weren’t any abortion clinics left in SC after the SC lege got to work making it virtually impossible to operate one there.

  20. This may be more than just a end run around abortion.

    I wonder how many of these jerks believe that assassinating a pro-choice politician would fit the bill?

  21. Elise Von Holten says:

    Maybe the “Stand your ground” could be argued against the fetus?
    There was an invader coming that was planning to take all of it’s needs from my body, possibly kill me when exiting and demanding that I take care of it for twenty years or more if it was not healthy–and with the quality of food, air and water available because of the corporate masters, not being healthy is another worry that has to be faced. So with my life being threatened by this unknown assailant, I choose to “stand my ground” and not let this parasite lodge or stay in me—as I would fight off anything that wanted to change and deplete me in such a manner. If cancer and death are God’s will for me, should I just accept it, as it’s parasitical way of surviving costs me my life, just as any intruder into my body does, why am I encouraged to fight one and not the other?
    Forked tongue speaking from crazy people once again, cherry picking for the result they want. No 10-21 yr old girl should have children, they are not grown yet themselves, and I believe we are finally done growing at about 24, so logically no babies from immature bodies until after age 24. That would fix and change so many things, and I believe that there should only be contractual births—between parent and child each parent signing on to raise the child no matter what the contract/agreement between the two adults becomes. Two children only for any man or woman. No more (my father has 4 he didn’t support from two different women) random events–these are precious beings that deserve full attention and care.
    Real MEN need to step up and be counted in their off springs lives. “Every sperm is sacred” so that sperm is as obsessed over as much as eggs are. “It’s 10:00pm,Do you know where your sperm are?” (Paraphrasing from my childhood, “Do you know where your children are?” –town curfew) making the men accountable for their reflex (sheep and goats will be safer) instead of only the women (a 10 yr old seduced her father–please!–rape victims–this is so ugly)
    I am so sick of idiots!
