Do As I Say
You know how Republicans in Washington DeeCee are appalled, just appalled I tell you, that our nation has debt and that we should live within our means.
Oh lookie over there! It’s the Hypocrisy Fairy!
… many of the same lawmakers who are urging the nation to balance its books are themselves in debt and have taken out personal and/or business loans.
Really? Well, 14 of them have more debt than the average American working family.
The Texans are my favorites.
House Budget Committee Member Roger Williams (R-TX): Said Wednesday: “We have to have a balanced budget. I have to balance my budget. Everybody in America has to balance their family’s budget or their business’ budget, not every ten years, not even every single year, but every single day.” Reported more than $2.5 million in business debts
And —
House Budget Committee Member Bill Flores (R-TX): Wrote: “It’s time Washington was forced to finally live within its means and cut up the credit cards. Every American family and 49 out of 50 states currently abide by some form of a balanced-budget requirement. If they can make the hard choices to pay their bills and live within their means, then Washington should too,” and “American families and businesses must live by this principle every day, and they want Congress to abide by the same rule.” Reported two mortgages on residences totaling over $1.5 million.
You can go check to see if one of them is your congressvarmint.
Ah… the sweet smell of hypocrisy.
Thanks to Sharon for the heads up.