
February 20, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Majorie Taylor Greene has called for “a national divorce” between the red states and blue states.

I foresee a few problems here. This not an original idea, you know.  And the last time, Majorie’s home state, Georgia, lost her home, her pickup, and her bass boat in that divorce.

I think the term, “like Sherman marching through Georgia,” is akin to “hell on wheels.”  Majorie also has the problem that both senators from her state are Democrats so there she is standing out like black roots on bleached blonde hair living in a blue state.

Look, Marge, all you mean by woke is that we won’t let you say the N word anymore without getting booed or shamed.  You are just dying to say the N word.

And Honey, you saying “Everybody I talk to says ….” does not impress me because the vast majority of people run the other way when they see you coming.

By the way, if we do this, we get to keep the name, right?


0 Comments to “Divorce?”

  1. She’s such a dunce that she doesn’t know that the blue states pay a whole lot more in taxes than they get back. It’s just the reverse for red states. The blue states would gladly say “Sayonara” to those fools. The blue state economy would instantly get richer.

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Her “everyone I talk to says this” is like TFFG used to say. It’s a shrinking audience but still there are way too many deplorables around. Wonder if Qevin Mc will just run from reporters when they ask him about it. He did say recently that he’d do “anything for her.” Ick

  3. Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn

  4. It’s President’s Day and I’m feeling magnanimous. Instead of divorce, I think we should honor the deadbeat dad of presidents, the one who ran out on his country.

    President Jefferson Davis

    But only if they use the drawing of him surrendering to two Union soldiers, Davis attired in a woman’s dress and bonnet. You know, like a drag queen.

    “You can look it up.” (best line from King of California)

  5. Who cares what the white trash troll from GA. has to say.
    She needs to learn some manners.

  6. slipstream says:

    Huh. I thought she laid her hand on the Bible and swore to uphold and defend the Constitution.


  7. If all the “Red” states seceded, they would immediately achieve the status of a Third World country-and one of the poorer ones at that.

  8. MTG and her cohorts make a big deal about the Pledge of Allegiance–you know, “One Nation, Indivisible”–and she says it every morning with her fingers crossed.

  9. If everyone she talks to says this garbage, she only talks to treasonous morons. And I say this as a long-time resident of the district the carpetbagging %*%#^ chose to infest.

  10. Don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I would LOVE to divorce her…right out of Congress. Even more so, right out of the headlines.

  11. Put a wall down the middle of America – Dems one side, GOPerverts down the other – then the Perverts can fight it out between themselves .

  12. eMpTyG sounds almost exactly like Vlad Putin a few minutes ago. Many of the same tired and asinine talking points rehashed over and over.

    I just watched Russian President Vladimir Putin’s ‘State of the Nation’ speech, translated on the BBC, and good ol’ Vlad touched on almost exactly every point that Marg did.
    I gathered from very carefully studying the eye, facial, and body language of the assembled upper echelon Russki politicians and military brass present, that many of them did not appear to be impressed. There was a –lot– of [subtle] eye-rolling, boredom, incongruity, and irritation that went on through most of the speech.
    The speech itself was just Pootie’s usual bloviation and bullshit.
    He started [and went on at great length] about the Ukrainian ‘Special Operation’ and how the Western Satans, the USA and it’s European minions, started the conflict long before Mother Russia was forced to respond to the aggression. How Glorious Russia was winning bigly, and would drive the demon hordes from the Ukrainian brother– errrm-vassal state.
    Pootie did get a bit of favorable attention when he began raving about the decadence of the Western world, and how Russia had to resist such corruption and immorality in order to save the world.

    Of course MTG and a number of other Rethugs have been very vocal supporters of Putin and Russia for quite a while.

  13. Well come to think of it, that white fur thingamabob she wore to the State of the Union looked positively Russian.
    Like she was trying to do her best Natasha impersonation (Boris’s girlfriend).

  14. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Yeah, I wonder how long that idea would really last once they consider losing all the federal subsidies (farm, ranches, roads, etc.), military bases, social security (all forms), federal court system, and so forth.

    Maybe MTG can take to her fellow GQPers in Georgia and start refusing all the federal aid they can just as practice.

  15. Stony Pillow says:

    Imagine CSA President DeSantis with nukes.

    The CSA would be far more dangerous for the United States than Russia, China and Iran stacked up. Hell no.

  16. And this woman is on the Homeland Security committee. Oxy, meet moron.

  17. Grandma Ada says:

    I wonder if those people she’s talking to are ready to give up their Social Security and Medicare benefits? Or access to their savings? If Georgia or any other state seceded, benefits would cease when war broke out and we’d all be like DJ Nana on the TV ads! Also, how can a sitting Congressman advocate treason and still be a sitting Congressman?

  18. OK, Marj, here’s how it goes in just about any kind of a divorce. Just how much is any red state willing to lose in Federal income such as military bases, VA hospitals, and any other dollars that state gets due to a law or a federal program that has kept them floating for decades? Unless your state discovers gold from state line to state line, get ready to see yourself actually eating that fake white fur you wore to the SOTU, and fighting off the starving, raggedy, contaminated constituents! Girl, just plain old shame on you!

  19. Steve from Beaverton says:

    MTG and her misfit followers (and TFFG and his cult) are hoping for a rerun of 1861. And as I mentioned, Qevin said he’d do anything for her, so he’s with her. Can’t be on both sides.
    Look for them to come up with a new flag. They’ve already hijacked ours.

  20. A lot of these Red states have big cities that are Blue. I hate to think what would happen to them and the people living there if Marj’s wish comes true.

  21. If MTG got her way and a “National Divorce”, red states wouldn’t be able to see Hollywood movies or buy sex toys at Wally World. After the divorce, red state citizens would have no movies, no toys, and be nine meals away from total revolt, but they would have guns.

    Obviously, Margie hasn’t thought this one out.


  22. Alan in Austin: I talked to a neighbour about losing all that good federal stuff. He thinks that not only would the US government keep all the bases in Texas after secession,(close to a dozen), but we’d also keep getting subsidies for infrastructure, as well as medicare, medicade, and social security.

    The reality is that the Feds would likely pull out, anyone who had a brain would leave, industries would flee, education would go to hell…or to christian madrassas, health care would suffer. In short, the red states would become versions of Haiti.

  23. I’m old enough to remember when George W. Shrub decided to invade Iraq for no good reason. Lots of liberals didn’t like the idea and said so.

    Lots of people in the NSGOP told us we should support President Shrub because a house divided cannot stand. Or words to that effect.

    My, how times have changed.

  24. Avis Puckett says:

    The best and most pithy response I noted came from her former colleague, Liz Cheney, daughter of Dick Cheney:

    “Let’s review some of the governing principles of America, @mtgreenee:

    Our country is governed by the Constitution. You swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution.
    Secession is unconstitutional. No member of Congress should advocate secession, Marjorie.”

  25. And the more we fight amongst ourselves and take our collective eyes off the things that are truly important because we are too busy and preoccupied with our internal squabbles, the more Putin chuckles to himself.
