Dismantling “the Administrative State”

March 15, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Sumbitches, Trump

The White House just announced that Cheeto Jesus will be unveiling his new budget priorities tomorrow which include slashing the EPA budget by 31% and the State Department by 28%.  Son of Jabba the Hut, known as Steve Bannon to non-aliens, said this was part of CJ’s efforts to “dismantle the administrative state.”

Funny they bring up the State Department…A couple of weeks ago, I was in Canada for a meeting; stupidly I had let my passport expire at the end of the month, so to make it easier to get back into the states the following week, I decided to just go to a US Consulate and get an emergency renewal.  I called the US Consulates in Vancouver, Calgary, Ottawa, and even Houston.  I called no less than 10 times, never got a human, and never got a call back to my numerous messages.  In the end, I was able to talk my way back in since I am part of Global Entry.  The customs agent was actually pretty cool, said it happened all the time, and signed me through.

When I got back to Houston, I called the US Passport office to get an appointment to renew – and called and called and called.  So, far, no call back, no one answering the phones here, either.  So, I’ve got a great idea, why don’t we slash the State Department budget  so services to citizens will suck even MORE?

Oh, I left out the good part about CJ’s plan – he’s going to take the savings and reduce the deficit build more war machines.  After all, spending half of our discretionary spending on war making simply isn’t enough.

Jesus.  No, really.  Jesus.


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