Dirty Minds
Paul Gosar, congressman from the Great State of Befuddlement, is having himself a snot nosed hissy fit over pornography because, of all the troubles we have in America right now, pornography ranks right up in the top, oh, I dunno, bottom 250 or so.
Gosar, being a Republican generally uses the pornography debate as an excuse to talk dirty right out in public. Kinda like when he Tweeted a cartoon of himself committing acts of unspeakable violence against female members of congress and then calling it a joke. He got censured for that one.
But what distinguished himself from his run-of-mill goofiness this time was some oratory delight. He begins by bashing “liberal courts” as do all good right-wingers. Then he says …
“This, combined with the horrible effects it’s having on our young men and women, means that one who opposes any restrictions on porn is ignorant at best and malicious at worst… But leftists refuse to budge an inch for the sake of sexual immorality.”
He said this less than 10 days after the massacre in Uvalde.
Budge an inch? Oh dear. There are many exceptions to the first amendment: defamation, child pornography, perjury, blackmail, solicitation to commit crime, incitement to imminent lawless action, fraud, and threats – to name a few.
Now let’s name the exceptions to the Second Amendment: You cannot personally own a nuclear weapon. And that’s about it.
So, do not talk to me about budging an inch. Talk to me about rational, even though I suspect you’re about 20 years and 50 IQ points beyond that.
And just so I make myself clear – there is a pile of stuff that is immoral that doesn’t have squat to do with mattress thrashing.