Ding. Dong. The Witch is …

September 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Phyllis Schlafly went to the great beyond today.  That loud gasp you heard is Phyllis discovering that God is liberal black woman who wants to have a little chat with her.

Phyllis was 92 years old, proving once again that the good die young.


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0 Comments to “Ding. Dong. The Witch is …”

  1. Yaaaaaaaaaay!

    Yeah, I know that sounds terrible, cheering for a death, but we’re talking about a very mean and nasty person who has done a lot of harm. The country is a better place without her. Nope, I don’t feel bad for cheering.

  2. I never can remember what that word means. Schadenfreude.

  3. I am so glad I lived long enough to see this. I was beginning to lose hope.
    I bet what killed her was losing her lawsuit against her nephew who uses the Schlafly n
    ame on his beer (excellent beer at that). She wanted to forbid that (he is a Democrat) but the judge must be a beer drinker.

  4. Well, my mother was 96, and I got her a button a while back that said “Old White Women for Obama”….. (Then I realized that Obama is damn younger than I am, so I got me one too.)

    Yeah, I’d like to hear old Phyllis get an earful, even if it’s just “Why didn’t you stay home, shut up, and take care of your family, like you kept telling other women to do?”

  5. Well, ain’t that a damn shame! Not!

  6. Warms my heart, truly. That woman sank the ERA. And I learned how horrible the right wing was. My mom had tried to tell me, but I was young and ignorant. Phyllis was TRULY an evil woman, jetting around telling young women to stay home with their babies and don’t even TRY to have careers.

    Thank you, Juanita Jean, a true example for young women…

  7. Aggieland Liz says:

    I nominate Dick Cheney to be next…

  8. Not much of a god believer here, but I surely hope she got everything she deserves.

  9. Lizzie, I second that nomination.
    (And 3rd, 4th, 5th. Whatever it takes.)

  10. Sorry, that was supposed to say “Liz.” Damn autocorrect.

  11. Maybe it would have been better is she had lived to see a woman President. That would have killed her on Nov.8.

    She really was an awful woman. She made a career of insisting women should not have a career and she was not self aware enough to realize the irony.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Just remind the devil to count his fingers after being introduced to this …….. former person.

    Antonin Scalia is buried in Fairfax, Virginia. Not far from NRA headquarters, I’m guessing.

    Let’s do a one size fits all and include Kissinger, and all wingnuts in congress,and Rumdummy and neocons,etc.

  13. What makes y’all think Dick Cheney is alive? Or ever was?

  14. Moms Mabley said it best.
    “They say you shouldn’t say nothin’ about the dead unless it’s good.

    She’s dead. Good!”

  15. Good point Rhea. Darth Cheney has always been only a semblance of humanity, less human than the other Darth, Mr. Vader.

  16. That Other Jean says:

    I’m with Mike.

  17. Indeed “the good die young”.

    I assume no Good Samaritan arranged the meeting with the Almighty, rather she hung on defiant and hateful to the end. Sad in a way: she won’t get the rare privilege of seeing Secy Clinton inaugurated to and serving as POTUS.

  18. Thank you. I’ve been trying to figure out how to put into words how I feel about this horrible person’s death, but you and Jim Wright took care of it for me.

  19. Old Quaker says:

    Hillery as POTUS is the vision that killer her.

  20. She was a nasty piece of work.

  21. I agree with every one of you. My immediate reaction was, “It’s about time!”

  22. I hope the only thing God says to Schlafly is “We don’t accept your kind here. The express elevator to the pits of hell is waiting for you.”

  23. Phyllis Schlafly is dead?

    How can they tell?

  24. Bury that woman in a toxic waste landfill, in a lead-lined coffin and with a wooden stake through her heart. Otherwise, she’s mean enough to rise up and come back.

  25. My first thought, on hearing this news from my daughter, was in fact “ding, dong…”, but I reminded myself not to speak ill of the dead. It gave me a good cackle when I opened up this article & saw the headline! Thanks, y’all, for doing the ill-speaking for me!

  26. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I outlived her. One of my bucket list “outlivings” has been achieved.

    SO glad she’s gone. I will cheerfully leave the disposition of her eternal soul (if she even had a soul) to Upstairs.

  27. My late husband, who grew up in North Carolina, used to say “Jesse Helms has to die sometime.” That’s kind of how I feel about Phyllis. And both have come to pass.

  28. I wish I could remember who said it first, but, although I wish death on no one, some obituaries I read with great pleasure.

  29. trixicopper says:

    While I prefer to save my grave dancing for the truly putrid. (I’m lookin’ at you Cheney!)

    I’m willing to admit this news has my toes a tappin’ ! 🙂

  30. I did the “Ding, dong” when Scalia died.

    Someone has on Facebook a photo of this horrible (word omitted) with the line, “There will be a woman president over my dead body!” — Phyllis Schlafly

    Reminds me of the one with Charlton Heston brandishing the gun over his head: “My hand is cold and dead now, so if you want this gun, come and get it!”

  31. Also reminds me of when a woman– Ann Richards? Molly Ivins?– went with Barbara Jordan out to her place, where they had to go through a number of gates, made more troublesome than necessary by an obnoxious neighbor. Several years later AR or MI asked Barbara Jordan if she was still having trouble with that neighbor. Jordan, in her Voice of God, replied, “I am pleased to say that that woman has since died… AND GONE TO HELL!”

  32. My understanding is that while she urged women to stay home and take care of the chillins, she was a lawyer and had all the money she needed to tell folks how to live their lives. She lived a long life, not a good one.

  33. JAKvirginia says:

    So? On a happier note, I got some good work done today refurbishing my deck. It was a good day.

  34. Liberal, black, Jewish by birth and faith, and Spanish in language!

  35. Steve The Returned says:

    The evil, damage-inflicting old hypocrite. Good riddance.

  36. Marcia in CO says:

    I’ve only ever known of Phyllis through the Beauty Salon for whatever reason! However, when I saw the blurb on-line that she had died, I thought it might be an Onion article or a joke — someone’s wishful thinking. So, to see it in print, at the Salon, I know it is true.
    I’m glad I never paid much attention to just who she was … according to all of you, she wasn’t worth the eyestrain of seeing or reading anything about her! And, saving my hearing from having ever heard her speak or screech … whatever!!

  37. bye bye

  38. Rhea – careful, or They will start saying that Hillary had her killed.

    If you can’t say anything nice about someone: ;-x

  39. @Lunargent

    You are sooooooo right. And she shudda done it before the 1960 snacilbupeR convention.

  40. My former mother-in-law was a great admirer of Phyllis.
    Unfortunately, so was my ex-husband.
    Now they are all gone and off my back, thank God!
    Women like her harmed so many without even realizing it.

  41. To paraphrase Clarence Darrow: “I would never kill Phyllis Schlafly, but I read her obituary with great pleasure.”

  42. I don’t indulge in grave dancing, but if I did, hers would be the first.

  43. She said there would be a woman president over her dead body. I am pleased that God found her terms acceptable.

  44. Maybe there should be a bus tour from Juanita Jean’s to wherever this (unbelievably gross and offensive expletive omitted) is buried, with sharp stakes and dance music provided. And rest room facilities optional, because the only way I would not piss on that woman is if she were on fire.

  45. Rabblerouzzer says:

    I will never forget the look on Schlafly’s face when she called for assistance from the Airport Police in St. Louis because protesters were saying nasty things to her and I told her I took exception to the ugliness she had spewed toward the lesbian pastor she had debated the previous evening, who just happened to be my life partner. As she got all slack-jawed, I, in full uniform, grabbed a sign and joined the protesters.

    Her subsequent complaint resulted in a couple of days off without pay, but it was well worth it.

    Only the truly dreadful would choose a life of hate and intolerance, but she was the most vile and despicable old bitch she could be, so I suppose she, unlike many of us, truly lived up to her potential. I’ll not shed a tear, but let the happy dance commence!

  46. I read her obituary with great joy!

  47. I love listening to John Fugelsang on Sirius radio 121, Insight Radio. Today he said, “George Zimmerman is penniless and homeless. Fox News is in disarray. Phyllis Schafly is dead.” He didn’t add, but I will, “It’s a great day to be a liberal!” Woo-hoo!

  48. Good on ya Rabble! You go girl!

  49. Rabble, I loved the story. Thanks for sharing!

  50. Dominic P. Lucarelli says:

    When Hillary wins, Schlafly’s fetid corpse will be spinning like a rotisserie chicken in a WalMart deli.
    And that’s about the kindest thing I can say about the despicable… well, fill in the insults yourself. Ms. Juanita Jean is too much of a dignified person to print all of the “F” bombs I would love to lob at Phyllis, alive or dead.
    What’s really kind of funny about this, though, is the fact that she has been a conservative icon since before Barry Goldwater ran in 1964 (who can forget her conservative classic, “A Chimp, Not A Gecko”?), yet she has already almost totally disappeared from the news sites already. Sad!
