Did you see this?

November 29, 2022 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota has drawn on an inside straight in this right wing conservative poker game of “Bestest MAGAn Ever”.

By Noem’s official decree, no longer will a South Dakota public employee be able to post to, play or access the world’s most popular social media site, TikTok on a state-controlled device.

From The South China Morning Post:

“The Chinese Communist Party uses information that it gathers on TikTok to manipulate the American people, and they gather data off the devices that access the platform,” Noem said in a statement.

And with this ace of spades, I think she has a winner.

Because we all know that TikTok is China’s main vehicle to not only tap into and extract our country’s most closely kept secrets but also to ruin our finest traditions.

The ChiComms will have to find another way to expose and exploit the hidden lost treasure of El Dorado that we all know (because we saw it on TV) is situated behind South Dakota’s Mount Rushmore.

They won’t be able to disrupt SD’s next motorcycle rally in Sturgis, either. We get and develop our best public policy statements at the Sturgis rally, you know.

Verrrry canny. Ron DeSantis is going to have to reach deep into the recesses of his bag o’ tricks to give Noem her come-uppance.

0 Comments to “Did you see this?”

  1. John McCain was aware of this when he encouraged his wife to show off her tatas in the Miss Buffalo Chip contest at Sturgis.

  2. South Dakotan here, there is no intelligence in SD for anyone to steal anyway…

  3. WA Skeptic says:

    If I roll my eyes much more, I’m going to sprain my eye muscles.

  4. Yes, I know she’s the Guv, but this girl gotta get a job or hobby to keep her from embarassing herself and the entire goldurn state!

  5. jack smith says:

    garden gnoem. S.D. pass a referendum to legalize pot. 61% voted for it,passed. gov and 2nd degree murderer,atty gen and legislature refused to write the bill. now,see how referndums are being targeted by the republicans in many states. gnoem is a asshole maggot. ive ridden harleys since 1978 and worked repairing harleys in sturgis during the run 1987-92.(malcom forbes came there in 1992) it was fun then,now its just a wide open hole for money and disrespect. id rather ride to someplace where i can relax and enjoy my ride,and spend my money in a democracy.

  6. Am I missing something?

    I’m not allowed to access Facebook, Twitter or Instagram – and probably TikTok – from any of my work devices. Work devices are, well, for WORK.

    In fact, I’m surprised they let me visit the Beauty Salon.

  7. Like Malarkey@4, I must be missing something too.
    Ain’t work devices for WORK, instead of playing around on social media?

  8. While I’m no supporter of Gov Noem’s daily histrionics, the idea that TikTok is a security threat is not crazy. As everyone here knows, the US military budget is the largest in the world. China is #2, spending about 1/3 of what the US does. What you may not know is that China’s Internal Security Bureau has a larger budget than the military. China is playing a deep and long game on social media. Consider the army of Chinese bots that have been found on Twitter. It’s not that there is anything wrong with the videos on TikTok, but I’m sure that plenty of user information is going into the databases of China Internal Security. The data being collected is probably the same as what Google and Facebook collect, but you shouldn’t be comforted by that thought.

  9. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Hey! Look at me! I haven’t dined with Nazis lately and nobody in my state is refusing to certify votes, but I’m still here and I’m cute and I wanna be president! This is all I could think of on short notice. Oh, and pipelines — I love pipelines.

  10. I see she didn’t dare ban cat videos. That could cost her the next election.

  11. Jane & PKM says:

    Ruh roh. The QNP gubs and not-so-gubs (Kari Lake, Loser AZ) are upstaging Empty Greene and Dodo Boebert in the House. And Louie Gohmert is nowhere to be seen/heard to silence the debate on who is most stupid. Missing Louie? Not exactly. Merely gobsmacked at the levels of idiots some voters elect. Big breath of relief our own state of Nevaduh took a pass on Adam Laxalt for Senate. Seriously. The Bundy goat rope fiasco was enough embarrassment for life to be suffered by Nevaduhans.

    Remember when SCROTUS commanded respect? Good luck wid dat, John Roberts. Meanwhile Qevin McQarthy is having a sad because he may nevuh have the chance to model Speaker Pelosi’s petite pumps.

  12. Not accessing Tik Tok at work?!!!!!!
    Wow! Maybe Kristi could have become a brain trust sooner if she had not been so busy firing state employees for her daughter.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Noem, like many repugnantican politicians are just maneuvering their rhetoric to attract the magat crowd. They have to come up with something a little different to avoid just being another magat. But that’s what they are.
    Here’s what I’m focused on- the next house of “representatives.” Their rhetoric now makes it clear- no governing for the people. They will be known as the house of vengeance.

  14. Sam in Mellen says:

    South Dakota is one of the best places in the US to park funds (illegal or not) to avoid scrutiny. The hypocrisy of Noem and others is breathtaking.


  15. Actually, there might be a small amount of truth in this. I saw a film at SXSW called TikTokBoom and they talked about how the Chinese will have massive amounts of information on young Americans as they come of age because of all they reveal on the platform. They will have quite a database for the taking.

  16. AlanInAustin ... says:

    If I ran a state or municipal agency, I’d block ALL social media at the server level with exceptions for specially authorized individuals who can speak on behalf of the organization.

    Want to use social media? Wait until your break and use your cell connection.

  17. Malarkey, That’s absolutely correct. We weren’t supposed to do anything buy work on our work computer either. Back in the day it applied to the one shared office phone, too. A Very.Conscientiou.Dean once had the phone co provide a list of all outgoing and incoming call numbers. There was a lot of giggling about the iron-faced mech eng prof who called his wife every day at noon for 15 minutes.

  18. Noem is not running South Dakota. Its governor is the ghost of Bill Janklow. Sicut erat in principio et nunc et semper.
