Deval Patrick Announces His Candidacy for VP

November 14, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election

Deval Patrick, former Massachusetts governor and current co-chairman of Bain Capital (yes, that Bain capital), announced today is candidacy for Vice President of the United States.  Yes, I said VP.  Patrick knows that he has zero chance of being nominated president, especially at this late stage.  He’s positioning himself, in my opinion, to be the go to person for the VP slot.  He has all the qualifications, and would be the perfect running mate for Biden (and others, but especially Biden).  Think about it – Biden has the best chance of beating His Orangeness, but he’ll undoubtedly be a one-term president.  Therefore he’ll need a Veep who can take on the 2024 mantel.  That could very well be Patrick.  He’s experienced, worked closely with President Obama, and is well liked among Democrats and New Englanders.  He’s the perfect presidential candidate – for 2024.  I think that’s the play, but others believe that Patrick will try to take New Hampshire and go head to head with Biden in South Carolina.  That approach virtually guarantees a win in SC for Warren by splitting the African American vote between Biden (who’s very popular there) and Patrick.  That’s unwise, and I believe Patrick knows that.

I like Patrick in the mix, which makes the whole thing very interesting.  Biden/Patrick?  I like it.  A lot.

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0 Comments to “Deval Patrick Announces His Candidacy for VP”

  1. Given Bain capital’s record of taking over and looting a lot of companies and screwing people out of their homes, the last person I want to see running is a VP from that outfit.

  2. Just what we need to show the voters we’re going to change their lives:
    * Biden, a guy who thinks Republicans will negotiate in good faith… like they did with the Affordable Care Act.

    * An alumni of one of the firms sucking existing businesses dry, and spitting their victims’ corpses into bankruptcy court.

    The ads just write themselves.

  3. I thought “conventional wisdom” (in this case, the power brokers at the Democratic convention) would not want two guys from the east coast.

    What I find most interesting about Patrick’s move is that Warren is one of his senators. Apparently this former Mass. Governor does not support a senator from his own party.

  4. Good grief. Thought Deval Patrick had more self respect than playing token with Uncle Joe. Then again he has mired himself with Bain Capital.

    All these late comers could be launched by the Mercers or Koch brothers for all that they bring to the dance. Seems the Cons grew tired of trolling us and have upped their game to Name that Candidate.

  5. Sorry, he is NOT generally well-liked by New Englanders, at least not us Mass residents who had him as governor. I mean, he was harmless but did absolutely nothing. I can’t honestly think of a single thing he did. Just a smile in a suit. Sad to say, our Republican governors have been better than this guy. (Of course, they’ve been the endangered-species, old-style NE Repubs, so not so bad…passed things like mandatory maternity hospital stays.) Patrick would be the perfect VP… smiling, harmless, stand to the side… but a terrible president. We have so many better candidates already running.

  6. He’s the hope of the Billionaire Class which is terrified by Warren and Sanders.

  7. BarbinDC@5, all that and imagine how Kamala Harris must terrify the criminal element (most all of them) in the Billionaire Class?

    We have the numbers, so let’s get out and vote!

  8. BarbinDC@5, bingo. My first thought when this rumor started flying was that his mission is to come up here in NH, play the “good neighbor” card, and peel off enough votes from our other neighbors Warren and Sanders to let Biden squeak thru. Then, what’s his reward? Jefe nailed it.

    Unlike Jefe, however, I’m not a fan of this plan. A ticket containing two guys with Lifetime Achievement Awards from the financial services industry, one of whom thinks the Rs will sprout unicorn fairy dust when he’s elected and the other of whom has never had to deal with hostile Rs, is not my idea of the ticket to take down Trump — or to lead us back in the general direction of the promised land even if they do.

  9. van heldorf says:

    Sorry El Jefe, while I go along with many of your observations over the years, this one supporting Patrick points out a weakness of your advocacy of what I call “repub lite”. Howard Dean, IMO, formulated a winning strategy for getting votes beyond the cities funded by small donors instead of the few megadonors. His mistake was letting the powers-that-be get to him over his scream; instead he should have gone positive with it. That formula was soon abandoned and we can see the results.
    Obama held much promise of being a liberal in his campaign. When he took office many of us were waiting for him to implement his progressive program. We kept saying he was playing 4-D chess and we kept waiting for him to drop the hammer on the repubs in congress. Some of his big mistakes were underestimating mcconnell, forgetting who elected him and letting the party insiders distract him for his campaign promises. Also he turns out to be a repub lite for which he always was or became one out of political expediency.
    Are you suggesting that the dems should go for safe, warmed-over pablum as usual? Do Warren, Bernie, have a Bain problem in their background? Perhaps we should “Go For Broke”.

  10. Biden? Sweet Jesus NO.

    I know that old black women like him. A lot, apparently, which I find more than odd.

    But he is polling at 5% with people under 45. There aren’t enough old black women to win the election. We need to appeal to the younger voter. Biden can’t, with his rambling talk of record players and you damn kids get of my yard and such.

    We don’t need another financial services industry presidency. We’ve had that for decades now.

  11. What -everybody- here so far has written, times10.

    We damned sure don’t need TWO effen Third-Way Rethug-Lite slugs.
    Sen. Mastercard and Gov. BainCap, perrrrfect.
    [Y’all know what you usually find lying in the ‘middle-of-the-road’, right? [ruh-oh, just thought of how that might be misconstrued, heheh… never was very PC]

    We’re dyin’ for some electrifying, million-volt, lightning bolt style candidates to jolt the [teensy] ‘nads clear off the Dump Crime Org/Rethuggies, and El Jefe puts up a couple of galvanic potatoes in a jar of saltwater at about 0.7 volt. Yeesh

  12. Dang, forgot to work something in the previous comment about Jefe’s seeming infatuation with another Roadkill Democrat, Bloomberg.

  13. Opinionated Hussy says:


  14. The next time you are in any store – usually a big one – and you can see, hear and feel obvious deficiencies especially in service – you might wonder if the Big Boss of this Big Store got his advice from Bain!

  15. And once again, it appears that about a third of the current field isn’t even under consideration, even for Veep, because they lack the one essential qualification: Man Parts.

    Not Warren, of course, because the very idea of a candidate so committed to real change scares you guys spitless. Which is too bad. Because she’s as smart as Hillary, without the baggage. And as forward thinking as Bernie, but without the ego, and with real written and thought-out policies.

    But not Harris? Yes, she’s dropped in the polls. But that strong legal background; the California connection; a high-profile, successful person of color. Not even worth a look? Though instead of VP, I think she’d be a stellar Attorney General.

    Or Klobuchar? I feel she lacks the charisma to be president. But she’s smart, experienced, pragmatic. And she has that crucial midwestern connection. The same working class roots as Biden, and a lot more recent. She’d be a superb VP.

    Tulsi Gabbard? God, NO. Hillary took flak for it, but I think she’s absolutely right about her. Williamson? Obviously not. But I’d just as soon have her as Yang or Steyer. They’re all equally unqualified.

    And though I really disliked Gillibrand as a candidate, I saw her on TV last night. She was calm, authoritative, cordial. When not in the heat of competition, a good, competent legislator. She’d be equally good as second in command.

    Then there are the scores of other women in public service who haven’t run for president, but who would be excellent Veeps. Governors, congresswomen, state and federal executives.

    Maybe we should consider some of them, instead of the guy doing the last-minute stunt campaign.

  16. Biden – patrick ticket
    Sounds like an ideal Eisenhower thuglican ticket.
    Now how about nominiating a democrat for a change?
    After all both Clinton and Obama self described themselves as being close to an eisenhower thuglicans.
    In their rush to sell out Democratic principles in their rush to stroke thuglicans they slowed but did little to nothing to stop thuglican policis f®om flushing the country down the toilet.
    Clinton’s embrace of deregulation, welfare “reform”, Criminal justice “crackdowns etc and Obama’s craven surrender by taking single payer/ Medicare for All off the table before negoitations even began, coddleing the bankers who ruined the economy, support of mis named ‘patriot” act that further erodes the Bil of Rights and refusal to hold any of prior administration responsible for their incompetent and corrupt practices.
    So now we have Biden claiming that after 20 years of thuglican obstruction, criminality and self serving that with his election that some how they will find ethics, hoesty and reason.
    Couple this with patricks appeal to the mythical “middle” and sane thuglicans and work with bain to loot companies and drain pension funds for personal profits we might as well just renominiate the romney thuglican ticket as D’s.
    A biden/patrick ticket is a white flag of surrender on principles and policies in a false, and failed, strategy of appeasing the whack jobs just to avoid any chance of a progressive getting elected.
