
January 16, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jon Huntsman is out, but Rick Perry says he’s on to Florida no matter what the outcome in South Carolina.

Rumor has it, and I have no proof of this other than Rick Perry’s past behavior, common sense, and my friends who know things, that Rick’s children, buddies and political consultants are making so much money from his Super Pacs that they can’t afford for Rick to quit.  And, let’s face it, after this race, money and perhaps the Tri-state Area Dart Championship  is all they have left.  Hell, they lost dignity and competence 4 states ago.  Honor departed with the first paycheck.  Respect and power?  Left it at Tallulah’s Diner in Edisto Beach.

So, they need to pump that well until it’s spurtin’ dust and bones.

There’s also Rick’s quest to embarrass Texas to damn death.  He’s gonna ride that Jesus bull till the buzzer rings and walk away from this thing thinking he’s a cowboy instead of a rodeo clown.

Because he’s Rick perry, dammit, and he’s dumb.

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