Democratic Project 2025 Plan Revealed!
The jig is up, folks. They found us out. While everyone in the media was chasing after TFG’s flip-flops on legislating women’s health issues, JD’s abysmal reception at a Boston Firefighter’s Union convention, and The Don’s frolic in a National Cemetery, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell slowly and carefully revealed the secret Democratic plan for taking over the government in 2025, when Kamala Harris takes the oath of office on January 20, 2025.
Let’s call it Project Alternative 2025, along the lines of the proverbial alternative universe.
It was all laid out one week ago to journalists seated at a luncheon hosted by the Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce in, you know, Owensboro, Kentucky. McConnell laid out our plans with the precision of a neurosurgeon.
From The Owensboro Times:
“McConnell said he’s afraid if the Democratic Party controls the Senate they will try to get rid of the filibuster, which requires a higher vote of 60 percent than the typical 51 needed to pass legislation”.
Also known as “The nuclear option,” this deeply guarded secret would effectively transform McConnell’s Senate from its present dystopian nightmare into a working legislative body.
But to what end? Why would we Democrats want to upend this time-honored tradition of protecting our nation from such things as adopting harmful civil rights legislation that could change The Southern Lifestyle forever?
And by God, he had the answer to that, too.
If Democrats get rid of the filibuster, “they’ll admit the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as two new states — that’s four Democratic senators in perpetuity — and then they’ll go after the Supreme Court. That’s how Democrats are these days…”.
Republicans may have released their “Project 2025” tome as a fanciful lark, but Democrats were holding their 2025 hand so close you couldn’t see light between their cards and their vests.
Now it’s out dammit.
Someone over on the D side has noticed that D.C. has a population of 689,545, and that Puerto Rico has 3,241,028, both of which eclipse Wyoming’s 581,381 and Vermont’s 647,464.
If WY and VT rate two US Senators each, Democrats reason, why not DC and PR? Full statehood for both seems to be a no-brainer.
But before you can go around making new states, you need to lower the filibuster hurdle in the Senate because DC and PR are areas known to have non-Republican majorities.
They’d elect liberal senators, as McConnell says, “in perpetuity.”
McConnell must be sweating bullets.
And then we’ll “go after the Supreme Court.” This means they realized that Democrats, with no filibuster and a Democratic majority, will pass laws that will force the Supreme Court Justices to behave in an ethical manner.
Or maybe even expand the number of Supreme Court Justices by the right amount so as to further our plans. Clever. I don’t think we even considered that. That could work, too.
What Democrats plan to do in the dark of night dwarfs what MAGA Republicans have in mind as revealed in their 922-page bound volume displayed in broad daylight.
It was all a secret. But no more. That Mitch McConnell is one smooth operator.
(Postscript. For those with truly inquiring minds, here are two links that reveal our long-concealed planned alternatives to reconfigure the American flag with 52 stars – I really like the modified Betsy Ross)
McConnell better clarify whether it’s OK to burn the socialist democratic 52 star flag or not. Fox News could point out it’s not the flag of our forefathers. Or even Leave it to Beaver or Father Knows Best.
1Puerto Rico and the District admitted as states! Be still my heart! After all they’ve been through thery deserve respect! May I live so long!
2I’d call Kamala’s plan Project Sanity 2025. Bring it on and let’s git er done.
And for those of you in the “I can’t stand fled cruz club”, check out this very short video and the gal in TX A&M hat. Brought a smile to my face. Just wish she’d have been standing right in front of his face.
Catch the rest on Jeff Tiedrich’s piece today.
3And codify reproductive and voting rights. But we need the White House & both houses of Congress. Get busy!
4The Dakotas were split into two states because Rs could get two senators out of each. Turnabout is fair play.
5While DC has wanted representation for decades, it’s still up in the air about Puerto Rico. There have been repeated votes over the years, about the three options: keep things as they are, become a US state, or go for full independence. The third one is a non-starter nowadays. But in any case statehood would require a plebiscite among the islanders.
Fun fact: the only reason there’s two Dakotas was so that the Republican Party could add on 4 senators instead of 2.
6Msb @ 4,
And how about finally ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment.
7Mitchy-Mitch doesn’t like the idea of a democratic Senate even if it is the result of a Democratic Senate. It’s not like he cares about the peoples’ wishes.
8Surly Professor @5:
We’re lucky they didn’t push for the additional East Dakota and West Dakota.
9Do we also finally get a taco truck on every corner? I’ve been waiting since 2016…
10Anyone assuming Puerto Rico is a sure thing for 2 Democratic Senators hasn’t been paying attention to the elections that sent Delegates to Congress and which conference they align themselves with.
PR’s population would also justify them getting 4 Representatives.
One last thought … Republican announcements of what the Democrats are going to do often seem to be projections of what is planned for their majority. I wonder what form of “reform” of the filibuster is running around inside the Republican Conference.
11Not political, but worth noting that Owensboro is the barbecued mutton capital of the world. Texas brisket and hot links rule those categories, but for mutton, come to Owensboro.