Demand! That’ll Do It.

October 20, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Holy crap.



No, no, seriously, Trump is now demanding that Barr investigate.

“We have got to get the attorney general to act. He’s got to act and he’s got to act fast,” Trump said on “Fox & Friends,” citing a New York Post report about Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Trump called on Barr to “appoint somebody” to handle the matter.

“This is major corruption and this has to be known about before the election,” Trump said.

A week and half is plenty of time to investigate complicated international espionage, computers left at repair shops, Rudy G’s sweet dreams, child pornography, basements of pizza parlors, and God only knows what else Trump is going to come up with.

The only people I know who believe the computer lap story are old people who still use AOL.  The Russians gave that computer to Rudy and he had to hunt down a computer repairman in Delaware to come up with a story.


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0 Comments to “Demand! That’ll Do It.”

  1. Okay, I just had another birthday and I still use AOL for personal messages. Damn, I’m old now?

  2. James, don’t feel bad.

    Well–I have seen a 1/2 century pass, so I guess I am old and I use aol.

  3. Karen in New Mexico says:

    Hey, watch it! I’m an AOL’er and I am (ahem) of a certain age. That said, I know people who believe this story wholeheartedly. One sweet little church lady (a relative) got quite worked up on Facebook because this news was suppressed. She tried to pass around the story that was published in the New York Post. This woman and her like-minded friends are so far off from Trump’s lack of values and ethics that I cannot wrap my mind around why they continue to support him with such vigor. He can do no wrong. I’d rather fall into a pit full of tigers than to tangle with these elderly church ladies in a Facebook comment section about Trumpy. Anything Trump and crime family has done, Biden, Hilary and Obama have done worse.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    I thought the Justice Dept. was already busy handling his majesty’s rape case he didn’t want to appear in court for. Do they sweep up when they leave at night too?

  5. It worked last time when they were looking into Hillary’s emails a week before the election.

    “What’s a private server?”
    “I donno, but it sounds suspicious. And they’re looking into it.” “They must be investigating with good reason, right?”

    (Answer after the election – – no)

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Of course Billy Bob Barr needs to act now. If not, what good was having Rudy the Ghoul passing out all those bribes and planting ‘evidence’ in the Ukraine? Meanwhile what happened to that laptop that miraculously washed up on the Jersey shore as if the Outlaw Jersey Whale had another bridge to sell?

    The unholy trinity of 3 rats running in a circle biting each other on the posterior would be Donnie, Bill Barr and Mike Pompeo. Mama doesn’t want to know what images a circle of Ronna R$Money, Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey would evoke.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I totally expect Barrf to interject himself to help the Trumpf re-election because, well, that’s his only job. I’ve been waiting for this illegitimate October “surprise”. Like his master, he’s very scared for his next 4 years, as are all the enablers that will be out of work. I hope.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    Minor correction for Grandma Ada @ 4: they don’t sweep up. It’s more a matter of using shovels followed by a vigorous mopping.

  9. RepubAnon says:

    I expect Barr’s another rat shopping for water wings at this point. Once he couldn’t get the career AGs to issue the desired indictments, he knew it was time to start preparing his “I was the Anonymous author” speeches.

  10. Time was, when we saw this kind of thing happen in another country we’d slap some kind of sanctions on that country. Now it’s just another page 6 article in Combover Crime Lord’s world.

  11. WA Skeptic says:

    Hey, another user here: electrons don’t care where they flow to and from. It works.

    Tell Donnie we’re all onto him; he is the one that should be under investigation.

  12. What a maroooon! Its way to late to do something like Comey did to Hillary, but the Toddler in Chiuef ain’t smart enough to realize it inasmuch ashe sis o damn scared and desperate!

    About two more weeks now! I have to get a manicure if I am going to have to hang on for 24 more days!

  13. With the Trumpster’s low approval ratings, he should be playing it cool!

    There will soon be a replacement president, one that will be in the position to investigate the Donald and a different Attorney General to make arrests.
