Dem Leaders Turn up the Heat on Biden

July 17, 2024 By: El Jefe Category: 2024 Election

Schumer and Jeffries have had hard conversations with Biden in the last few days, using data that Biden is behind TFG and falling farther behind.  They’ve also told him that the money is drying up and that major donors are now withholding funding.  Adam Schiff, who is now running for Senate in California, also publicly called for Biden to step aside warning that the Dems could lose the Senate if he doesn’t.  Pelosi is also said to be working behind the scenes to let Biden down easy.  Other Dems have also talked to him and have described as delusional his belief that he’s either tied or leading TFG in the polls.  We’re starting to see cracks in his resolve, though, it’s now being reported that Biden said he’d drop out if a doctor told him he had a medical condition that would prevent him from doing his job.  At least that’s a start.

As a reality check for those who are still laboring under the illusion that Biden can win this, here’s Nate Silver’s latest analysis from earlier today:

Time to face facts; Biden’s candidacy is over, and the longer he waits to step aside, the more humiliating it will be for him.  The pressure is ratcheting up on a daily basis and there’s no sign it will weaken.  Today Schumer got the DNC to postpone a virtual nomination vote, which was an attempt to cram Biden down the delegates’ throats before they convened.   That vote won’t happen now until the first week of August, though it’s still scheduled before the convention.

We’re coming down to it.  I’ll be surprised if this tragic episode lasts much longer than sometime next week.  We’re long past time that this change should have been made.  The time is NOW.

0 Comments to “Dem Leaders Turn up the Heat on Biden”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    We’ve debated this for a couple weeks here at the salon and I was of the opinion it’s too late to switch candidates. I know think it’s inevitable and the sooner Joe Biden shows leadership for the change, the better off we are. I know I’ve seen comments about not believing the polls, but this just feels different. We can just accept a trumpf second term followed by a a misogynist JD Vance after him, or get behind a new narrative. There’s plenty of scary facts about trumpf and Vance to blast across the country with campaign ads, but we can’t wait. I’m not aware of a single media outlet on teevee or the internet that has anything positive to say about Biden’s candidacy while totally ignoring the facts about what trumpf has said and done. That has to change right now, this week. I’ll start donating to that cause but we have to have a change very soon.

  2. thatotherjean says:

    We’re going to elect Trump, because the leadership doesn’t want Biden, and we don’t have a viable alternative, aren’t we?
    T.S. Eliot got it right:

    “This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang, but a whimper.”– The Hollow Men

  3. It does not matter who is the Dem Candidate … I WILL VOTE DEM!!
    Because Biden or whoever has the support of the DEM-Party so things will be many times better under the Dems then under the OrangeTrunpkin & the rePUKEians.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    Oh, I’ll vote for whatever candidate the Democrats put up–but all this dithering is not going to help him/her win.

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    Well, if you are looking for another leader than Joe, you won’t find him in the Democratic Party.

    What a

  6. thatcrowwoman says:

    Querido El Jefe,
    Respectfully, I dissent.

    Polls can show whatever the maker wants them to show.
    President Biden is an Elder Statesman with decades of experience and knowledge, domestic and foreign. He has made great strides despite the ubiquitous obstruction and interference of the MAGAPutin Republicans.

    Should he step aside, Kamala Harris would be the only person who could inherit his “war chest” built by constituents, large and small, who support him.

    Are those uber-wealthy mostly anonymous donors more worried about our President or about losing in 2025 the ridiculous tax cuts they received from the previous administration? Who are all the (looking cowardly)anonymous donors and Congress Critters stirring the pot against Biden~Harris? What is their agenda? Who do they want for our next President and Vice President?

    I envision a second Biden-Harris administration. My vision is as valid as any poll, just saying. When we re-elect Biden~Harris, Kamala Harris will remain ready and able to take over as President should Joe Biden then need or want to step down. Lots of wonderful options will be considered for a new VP.

    I continue to dance with and work for the ones who brought me.
    I am not alone.


    Says it better than I could. For myself I will say that I am sick and tired of this pearl clutching with no stated plan. I imagine there’s one in the background of all this circular firing squad, but as far as I know it has not been shared with us peons.

  8. I don’t think forcing Biden out is going to help the Dems or the USA. All I see is lots of fear propaganda being spewed from the dem party and MSM. Biden has done so much for this country and its citizens over four years, but of course we’ll never hear that from Democrats in government have forgotten that fact. MSM only wants a candidate generates drama and clicks for profit. JMO, he has been the best president we’ve had since Obama.

  9. Malarkey says:

    I wasn’t going to engage with this topic anymore, but:

    Also, I put a lot of stock in Heather Cox Richardson, and she’s not jumping ship. When she does, I know it’s time to go for the lifeboats.

  10. I think everyone is underestimating the damage being done by all this “Biden should step aside” rhetoric from within the party. We’re doing this to ourselves. Stop. It.

    We do not have another candidate for all Democrats to rally around. This will split us into factions, which will cement our loss. Kamala Harris is our obvious choice, but there are still plenty of sexists and racists who will torpedo that. And faithless electors are a thing, even if Biden assigns all his delegates to Harris.

    For reasons I don’t pretend to understand, this country can’t seem to deal with the idea of a female President, let alone a Black female President. Somehow, women have never “earned it”, despite having the same or better resumes than the (white) men they are compared to.

    We need to pivot to talking about voting for the *agenda*, not the *person*. It shouldn’t matter who the Democratic candidate is as long as they support the platform.

  11. FrauFree says:

    Just like Malarkey, I wasn’t going to engage with this topic anymore, but:
    Papa@7 says: “Biden has been the best president we’ve had since Obama.”
    First, OF COURSE he is, it’s a no brainer, just look who was in the White House BETWEEN him and Obama 🙂
    Second, he absolutely HAS been a great president. But the election isn’t about PAST, it’s about PRESENT and FUTURE, and Biden is ailing in front of our own eyes.

    What comes to the argument “you do not elect the president, you elect administration” – well, for me, it sounds kinda unconstitutional, pardon my French.

  12. FrauFree says:

    Of course I shall vote for Biden, if he stays on the ticket, but come on, people – yesterday during the interview he forgot his own Defense Secretary’s name, calling him “the black man” instead.

  13. I think Gen. Mark Miley could cake walk into the White House if the Democrats choose him. He would kick bone spurs all around town. He is on the VoteVets website talking about the oath to the Constitution, not to a wannabe strongman.

  14. This whole thing simply illustrates what Democrats can and can’t do. Loyalty seems to have flown out the door. I didn’t want Joe to run when he declared. So why weren’t Dems in charge having these discussions a year ago? We are likely going to be soundly beaten regardless of who is running. And the people beating us are monsters. All of them. We have permitted this since W was appointed by the highest court of mfckers in the country. Nothing has changed. It’s not just the Orange Piece of Crap– it’s everyone– they are all unhinged. There will be no unity. I think the people mouthing that word are dung beetles.

  15. Avis Pucket says:

    Historically, every single candidate who was prevailed upon to depart has asserted firmly and forcefully that they are NOT leaving — NOT EVEN THINKING ABOUT IT — until…
    …until they do.

    Hang in there, people. We can count on Joe to do the right thing. We can also count on him to analyze the situation and come up with a wily scheme to use every angle to the Democrats’ advantage. Ignore the media buzz, which is desperate for some new news to gin up viewership. Hang in there.
