Defeat Despair

September 01, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Department of Health and Human Services just put out a $250 million contract to an ad agency to “defeat despair and inspire hope” about the Coronavirus.

The vast majority of the money will be spent between now and January.  Oh my.

Needless to say, the Department of Health and Human Services is in chaos.

Last Friday, Hahn removed the FDA’s top communications official, a political appointee, after only two weeks on the job and HHS ended a contract with a communications consultant close to Hahn. As part of the reasoning for severing the contract, chief of staff Brian Harrison pointed to HHS’ history of canceling outside contracts for personal communications consulting.

The revolving door of pubic service under Trump.

And the money.  All the money and all we got to show for it is some rich friends of Trump, kids in cages, and a boon to the funeral industry.


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