Debra Medina Just Down the Road

January 31, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Goat Rodeos

This has been an odd political season.  The only Republican yard signs in the whole county are those for the three folks running for DA.  (A race we’ll have some dandy fun with later, Juanita promises.  Richard Raymond now has pushcards you need to see.)

We have not seen even one sign in the Republican Governor’s race, a battle royale between Kay Bailey Hutchison (Read:  Dick Cheney) and Rick Perry (read: Sarah Palin).

“Now, this ain’t my first rodeo,” Juanita assures us, “so I understand the main purpose of yardsigns is name ID.  But, generally, it also shows support among the natives, so plenty of them are planted around here come election time.  However, if you were to drive around Republican neighborhoods in Fort Bend County you wouldn’t even know there’s an election going on in the Governor’s race.”

But, it happened today.  Debra Media, a semi-Libertarian,  is going to ensure there’s a run-off in the Republican Governor’s race and she’s putting up signs to bet on it.

Medina has some signs up by Frank’s Nursery on 359 — Hi Frank!

Her campaign slogan appears to be “We Texans.”  Even Juanita doesn’t know what that means.  “Maybe it’s something like, ‘Me, Kemosabe,’ or ‘Me, Tarzan.  You, Debra,’ or something,” she ventures.  Of course, it means there has to be something somewhere that classifies as “Those Texans.”

Thelma thinks she’s hinting at secession.  Could be.

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