Debate Prep 101

September 09, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

In order to do some debate prep of our own today, let’s hone our skills at spotting a lie. In this case, however, the challenge is to spot which of the nine quotes listed below made by actual human beings were uttered by TFG, and which (at the risk of violating Godwin’s Law) were made by Adolf Hitler.

It is the press, above all, which wages a positively fanatical and slanderous struggle, tearing down everything which can be regarded as a support of national independence, cultural elevation, and the economic independence of the nation.

When I recognize a concept as correct, I not only have the duty to convey this to my fellow citizens, but moreover the duty to eliminate contrary interpretations.

The victor will never be asked if he told the truth.

Our strategy is to destroy the enemy from within, to conquer him through himself.

Universal education is the most corroding and disintegrating poison that liberalism has ever invented for its own destruction.

Those people that cheated will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law which will include long term prison sentences so that this depravity of justice does not happen again.

Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong.

Who says I am not under the special protection of God?

It is not truth that matters, but victory.

Now the truth is that all but one of the quotes listed above were that of Herr Hitler. 

Just messing with you.

0 Comments to “Debate Prep 101”

  1. Didn’t fool me.
    It was obvious that only number 6 was a DiJioT quote. The others were obviously too literate to be tRump.
    (and it helps to be a bit of a student of WWII and related stuff)

  2. Sandridge has it right. They were all too grammatically coherent for the Orange Felon. I recognized his threat to jail “cheaters” for life. What a maroon.

  3. Hitler also had a hard time shutting up but he had a partiular cadence. It was easy to spot trump duer to his limited vocabulary.

  4. Agree with the others, those quotes are too articulate to be Trump. Evil, but articulate

  5. I have to admit that I could find no Hitler quotes that weren’t cogent and erudite, if not horrifying. Odd for a low-born Austrian with a plebian accent who the aristocracy despised. Then I realized that Herr Hitler’s speeches and writings have all been translated by the educated. Hence his clear cogent messages. I even corrected TFG’s punctuation and capitalization…all for naught. Sheesh!

  6. 9/9.

  7. Half Empty @5, Still an excellent exercise idea.
    And exactly my thoughts when I read through them– Adolf wouldn’t have sounded quite like the text, but his words had been translated by skilled (probably Brit) historians and translators, hence polished up a bit.
    Hitler was a quite lower class and minimally educated SOB, but clearly a rare genius with many cunning skills.
    Much like Komrade Donnei*, who most people are still underestimating. DJT is actually smarter than given credit for, but it’s a twisted, cunning, vicious smart, hidden behind the apparent ignorance.

    * DJT’s father and grandfather may have been relatively wealthy, but came by it in the lowest way, they could never buy ‘class’.

  8. Joyce Pieritz says:

    Obviously there was only one by the TFG – the others actually sounded like they came from an educated smart person (horrifying that it was Hitler, but the reality is that if the TFG was smarter we could be in the middle of his second term and heading into a dictatorship)

  9. thatotherjean says:

    Hey, I got it right! What Sandridge said.

  10. He posted #6 on his so-called “truth” social site yesterday, I believe. The others: too pedantic, too well-written, not enough grievance whining.

  11. dilbert dogbert says:

    I think we might need an extension of Godwins Law. It came to mind when I viewed Alan Dershowshits saying how about Hamas. The law would be anti-anti-Isreal argument kills the argument.
