Dear Attorney General Holder, This Ain’t Rocket Science

March 08, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Next Monday, we will hear from Attorney General Eric Holder whether or not Texas Voter ID laws violate the Voting Rights Act.

If you can see lightening and hear thunder, you know that Texas Voter ID laws are a whole platoon of egg suckin’ dogs.

Today’s Houston Chronicle published the results of their research into the matter and discovered that “as many as 18 percent of all registered voters across Texas [are] apparently lacking state government-issued photo IDs to match their voter registration cards.”

In actual numbers, that means $2.4 million Texans who are registered to vote may be turned away at the polls.

But, awwww … lookie here what our adorable Republican friends have done:

Counties that lean Democratic are most heavily impacted.

And the second most impacted?   Old people.  That’s who.

And the third most impacted?  Women.  Some of us change our names on our driver’s license but not on our voter ID.  For example, my voter ID is listed as simply Susan Bankston, but my driver’s license says Susan DuQuesnay Bankston.  A picky Republican precinct judge would be within his/her authority to not allow me to vote.  Wanna buy ticket to watch the kerfuffle that’ll follow that authoritarian mistake?  Try to stand between me and the voting booth and Medusa takes over my body.

If Voter ID stands, I will be at my local voting location with my Voter ID, my driver’s license, a notarized letter from my Momma saying I was born in Texas and not an easy child to raise, a snake-killing hoe,  my entire collection of Texas Legislature voodoo dolls, and a bad attitude so large that qualifies for its own zip code.

That’s just a heads-up to you Republicans.  I am not putting up with your crap.  Not even a little bit.  You stole an election in 2000 and look what that got us.  You are not doing it again.

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