David Koch Dead at 79

August 23, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

David Koch, one of the two evil Koch’s has died.

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0 Comments to “David Koch Dead at 79”

  1. Your link goes to a Trump article.

  2. El Jefe, the link goes to a story about IQ45. I Googled for myownself because I couldn’t believe:


    Also, I heard that evil does not die; rather, it must be destroyed.

  3. Koch has escaped watching the disaster he helped to fund. But his name hasn’t…

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    Saw the breaking news on MSNBC this morning! I got the impression that it may have been cancer … that seems somehow fair!
    One down, how many more left?

  5. Lets do it pell-mell…

    If not in heaven then hand in hand to Hell.


  6. May God have mercy on his soul for all the rotten things he did on earth

  7. Jason Elsome says:

    I have never wished a man dead, but I read this with great satisfaction.

  8. This surprises me. I would have bet all of Satan’s minions merely faded away rather than dying.

  9. To commemorate Koch’s death I give you a view of the future:

    “Electric Dump Truck Produces More Energy Than It Uses”^
    Amazing that a vehicle empty uses less energy to go up than it can generate (full) while going down


  10. May he rot in hell for foisting this WH disaster on us.

  11. Unfortunately, the estate tax laws aren’t nearly strong enough to break up his evil empire.

  12. El Lagarto says:

    cue the late great Moms Mabley:
    “They say you shouldn’t say nothin’ about the dead unless it’s good. Well, he’s dead. Good!”

  13. Jane & PKM says:

    Charles is still around to commit evil for two or more. David also has a wife and 3 adult children to splatter the Libertarian/John Birch Society excrement into universities and politics.

    And, as djw@11 noted the estate taxes are not what they should be to correct the flow of unearned wealth dripping into the hands of his spawn.

  14. Sandridge says:

    They gonna put a ‘moat’ around his grave? To catch the –ahhh– ‘runoff’?

  15. Fixed. Thanks.

  16. It’s a start.

  17. Sam in Superior says:

    Some people use their fortune for good, these greedy bastards used theirs for evil. I’m sure Charles Koch misses his evil sibling; I hope they’re reunited soon.

  18. Stony Pillow says:

    Today is a good day.

  19. “Evil”? Really? What did he do? Kill kiddies? Worse?

    Well, none of the above as far as I can make out. He merely pushed for free trade and libertarian ideas, you know, like Adam Smith – and he didn’t even support the Trump campaign!

    Calm down, dears, you are in danger of becoming over-excited!

  20. charles phillips says:

    Buh-bye, Dave, buh-bye.

  21. elise from CA says:

    One of the great evil megalomaniacs of history. Millions will die because of policies he promoted.

    Just because he didn’t wield the knife or pull the trigger in person doesn’t mean he won’t have blood on his head.

  22. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
    He, like addled ronnie – perjurer poppa and others dead slime, should have his remains interred at the most radioactive holding tank at Hanford and any visitors, incloding family, must be banned from wearing any protective equipment and be made to stand over an opened hatch for at least 5 minutes.
    Now that would be a very small modicun of justice.

  23. @David Duff #19:

    The sad fact is that burning fossil fuels does have an impact on wellness and our aggregate live spans. And with the changes in our climate, that will get worse.

    Does that change your mind?

  24. I wonder if David’s death might just prod Charles to think about the fact that, besides his solid oak casket and 1 silk suit, David now has absolutely no wealth at all. Even ALEC can’t help him now. So what was all the fuss about, anyway?

    Actually, I don’t wonder — I’m betting I know the answer and it’s just a puzzled look before doing yet another fund raiser for ALEC. Because some folks just don’t learn.

  25. @The Old Fart #23

    “The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released its annual report showing trends in health and healthcare over the past 40 years.”

    “The report shows Americans are living longer and fewer are dying from major diseases now compared to 40 years ago.”

    Mind you, as seen from ‘over here’, it looks as though more of you are dying from, er, ‘lead poisoning’!

    Jes’ sayin’!

  26. One down, one to go.

  27. The only good thing he did was help fund Nova on PBS. I always found that interesting, considering his other activities, but I was grateful nonetheless, because it is a great series. Regarding their influence, I think it all boils down to the Citizens’ United decision. I think it’s one of the worse decisions ever made by SCOTUS. If not THE worst. We’ve been screwed ever since.

  28. @David Duff #25:

    In the almost 50 years the EPA has been in existence, air quality has improved. In addition both gasoline and paint have been deleaded. The replacement of certain CFCs which were destroying the ozone layer has allowed it to recover.

    The Koch clan has been one of the most important forces in attempts to de-regulate pollution controls and defeat efforts to implement renewable energy. In short, things are better in-spite of Koch’s efforts…

  29. @The Old Fart

    Thank you for your informative comment which leads me to one conclusion – the Koch family is not all that powerful after all!

    Now, about Mr. George Soros . . .
