David Barton Can Kiss My Ten Dollar Butt

July 28, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

David Barton is a Texan who fancies himself the intellectual lead of the religious right.  I suppose he does have a triple digit IQ.  But, it’s not much higher than the temperature of an average Texas August.  In the shade.  Before noon.

david-bartonYesterday on his radio show, Barton announced that putting a woman on the ten dollar bill would ‘denigrate’ the Treasury Department.

And the reason it would denigrate the Treasury Department is … not near enough white males on our money.  Okay, so I made that up, but that is real close to what he’s saying.

Now he makes some other argument about our founding fathers.  Hell, Hamilton wasn’t put on the ten dollar bill until 1923.  He’s staying on the ten dollar bill but there will be a hooter toter on the other damn side.

All hat and no … brains.

Thanks to everybody for heads up.

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