Dan Patrick Answers the Question “What the Hell Are You?”

February 14, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You’re gonna love this.  This is State Senator Dan Patrick, running for the most powerful job in Texas, Lt. Governor.


I am so going to miss this guy when he loses.

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0 Comments to “Dan Patrick Answers the Question “What the Hell Are You?””

  1. One fine day he is gonna wake up and realize that whenever he describes himself as “christian”, he most certainly ain’t cuz you can always tell the real Christians from the shysters. They are out quietly delivering Meals on Wheels, volunteering in soup kitchens and shelters, collectively finding housing for the homeless – – – I think you see what I mean. Its like when McCain went about babbling that he was a maverick cuz he really wasn’t.

  2. I hope that you are right. I’m not gonna bet the rent money, yet.

    The primary he first won had a bunch of establishment, mainstream semi-sane candidates. The vote split and the crazies won. He almost got over half the vote, IIRC.

    We even voted Republican in that primary. That guy is nuts. That radio station gets him lots of fans. He bought a station in the Dallas market to expand his reach.

  3. Do these guys not realize that every time they use the screaming eagle sound, it makes people think of Stephen Colbert? And if you have to TELL people you are Christian, you aren’t. Ye shall know them by their actions, kind of thing. Kind of like sex. Those who talk about it the most, do the least.

  4. “Deeds” not words, define real Christians.

    Mr. Patrick is first, and foremost, a “politician”.

    He’s running on the Republican ticket.

    Anything subsequent to that…… doesn’t matter what he says.

  5. Olden Grey says:

    I’ll miss him just like I miss a tooth ache!

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    But what if he wins? Has anyone published a poll of likely voters in the GOP primary? Regardless, of whom they Republicans nominate, Texas Democrats need to get involved in both voter registration and in getting out the Democratic vote in November. For that matter, Democrats in every state need to get involved. Please, find out how to reach your local Democratic Party organization and volunteer.

  7. Melissa Roth says:

    Theocracy anyone? How can you run for office in the GOVERNMENT by saying you put being a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican before being a public servant. Yikes.

  8. Edward Starsmith says:

    How can Patrick claim to be a Christian, and yet ignore His teachings?

    Matthew 22: 20-22

    ” And he saith unto them, Whose is this image and superscription?
    They say unto him, “Caesar’s”. Then saith he unto them, “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s”.
    When they had heard these words, they marvelled, and left him, and went their way.”

    Christ was the first person in recorded history to call for a separation of Church and State.

  9. Those dreamy bedroom eyes just get me every time…BARF!

    The Democrats need to get out the vote. Here in Victoria we are finding that we have a lot of registered voters who just don’t vote. Registering voters is important, but getting to the polls is paramount! Mail in ballots for those disabled and over 65 are important–but make sure they send the right party! Already have had the local office send a republican ballot to a Democrat!

    Back to Danny Boy–I know if I were ever in the same room with him, I would want to leave as quickly as possible to take a shower to wash the slime off. The guy has an ick factor of 15 on a scale of 1 to 10. And I insist that he quit using a voice-over guy who sound like Sam Elliot!

  10. His concept of “God” and his version of a holy book should not come before his job serving the citizens of Texas. With a strongly rooted faith, he should not have to flaunt it but live it constantly in the basic principles of all and no religions – caring for others, sharing, justice for all; there is nothing I see in his bio to indicate he has a sincere interest in anything but himself and his self-promotion using religion. It’s also interesting that he not only has the funds for buying the expensive air time in Texas but also has sufficient money to even buy a radio station to promote himself. By the way, why did you change your name from your family name of Goeb? And why does your record show the fewest bills passed among freshmen senators – spending too much time on the air?

  11. duje,

    When was the family name changed? If it was during WWII, a lot of Germans changed their name then. Or perhaps he just didn’t like the phonetic Anglizations “gerb,” “goob,” “geeb,” “gob,” and “gape.”

  12. AMEN TO ALL OF YOU. Remember to set your voter reg. cards in a bag by the front door so you can grab them when going places. And remind folks to make sure their voter reg. cards match their driver’s license, or whatever, so nobody can’t say at the polls, sorry, these don’t match. Right now I have a stack of redone voter cards which I had to keep getting them to amend. And then you, if you are a voter registrar, have to personally deliver the yellow cards to a county office, can’t mail them in. I want online voter registration. You can go online and fill out a voter reg. application and print it out and send it in. Here’s (from Tx. Secy of State) how you can know if you’re registered:

    To confirm your voter registration status, you may select one of three methods: search by: 1. your Texas driver’s license number, if you provided it when you applied for voter registration; 2. your Voter Unique Identifier (VUID), which appears on your voter registration certificate; or 3. your first and last name.

  13. He didn’t list himself as a sportscaster fourth. He pretty much sucks at that too.

  14. Was it George W. who said “I’ll never be out-Jesused again”?

  15. I’m gonna vote for him, because OBAMA is definitely the biggest problem Texas has.
    Oh, wait. I don’t live in TX anymore. If Texans can vote twice in other states, can we vote twice there?

  16. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    What makes anyone think that a clown like this will go away simply by being defeated in an election? Can you say Mike Huckabee? How about Newt Gingrich? Rick Santorum?

  17. Sweet Crabby says:

    Content aside, this is a fabulous ad. It is very well done technically, it has strong emotional hooks, great visual images, and even good background music. This guy spends money on his ads. He’ll gain a lot of votes from this. That’s reality.

    Everything said about him, or about Christian beliefs here, is right. But being right about him isn’t enough. We have to make sure we help Leticia Van de Putte get elected. It is the most important job in Texas, after all.

    We cannot allow this man to have any power here. He is far more dangerous than Greg Abbot.

    Send money to Leticia, and to Wendy. But let’s put Leticia first. We need her, and we need to keep our state safe from this man. Send money now.

  18. charles phillips says:

    Weirdo alert! Just the way he says he’ll put his faith first tells me he’s not even close to being as good a person as a red-headed circus monkey.

  19. Guess no one bothered to send him that “Separation of Church and State” memo.If he wants to put God first,he should join a seminary,not run for public office.

  20. Is it just me – or does he look more like Newtie with each passing year?

  21. Sweet Crabby–You are absolutely right. I was at my sister’s house near Dallas earlier this week when she had a group over for “Bible study.” I’m sure every one of those women (with the possible exception of my sister, who is amazingly pro-choice, in spite of her other “conservative” beliefs) would vote for this guy in a heartbeat exactly because he professes to be an Xtian first. They’ll hear how many babies he “saved” but ignore how many women’s lives he ruined by that very act. They have absolutely no issue with Shariah law, as long as it’s promulgated by someone professing to be “Xtian.”

    We have a lot of work to do. I love my sister for being willing to speak out against even just one of his idiotic claims!

  22. Cheryl, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were separated at birth!

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Don A in Pennsyltucky, it’s another WTG (what the gohmerts,) sir. The crazy gohmerts lose, are caught lying, plagiarizing, cheating, grafting, grifting and any number of misdemeanors and felonies, yet remain in office or are hired by Flux Not News and Entertainment.

    And, when they’re wrong, there are no apologies. Correct Darrell Issa? They just keep flinging gohmerts like a howler monkey.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Cheryl, Dan Patrick is as distasteful as Newtie. But in the looks department, thinking more like Jeb. Please don’t ask why, as I don’t want mama chasing me down with the soap should I answer.

  25. If elected, I suspect he’ll replace the federally run Medicaid program with a Christian Science based health care model. Patients will have a choice between The Birds of the Air plan, or the Lilies of the Field option.

    “If you don’t get better in a week, we recommend you increase your prayer from 3 times a day to 4 times a day.”

  26. Some say guys like this are why Christianity is losing younger people. Just sayin’….

  27. Sorry, Dannyboy. You haven’t “saved 20,000 babies’ lives,” by forcing women to carry to term. Eff U.

  28. Nancy Yates says:

    He changed his name during his lifetime. Don’t know when but he was born Goeb.

  29. I love the screeching eagle at the end.
