
June 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lookie here.

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And last time I checked, I was running two points ahead of Rick Perry.


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0 Comments to “Damn”

  1. Sooooooo how many Republicans DOES it take to count straws??? So many they had to cancel? Or were the Iowans afraid that countin’ the vote for the GOP clown train occupants would take until past November 2016?

  2. e platypus onion says:

    iowa wingnuts,guv Braindead included,have outlived their usefulness. So says e,a lifelong iowan.

  3. Or there would be a tie of one straw a piece for the 100 GOP hopefuls.

  4. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    But they’ll still have the State Fair where the candidates can compete in a corn-dog and fried-Twinkie eating contest.

  5. Corinne Sabo says:

    I was 3 points ahead of His Ickiness.

  6. I would do a Highland Fling if they would cancel all of it until at least next year. Running for president for three or four damn years is ludicrous. It ties up the work of government, takes way too much attention from current issues, and makes me (and probably a lot of other people) sick of the whole circus years before we’re asked to vote. And it sucks up millions if not billions of dollars. We can’t afford this crap.

  7. I could beat Perry if I just sat around on my ass and drank Dr Pepper and ate skunk eggs.

  8. Somehow I just knew it! They finally rared up on their hind legs and said not just no but hell no! Like I said the other day, I do kinda feel for them. The politics just never quits in their state and where do they go to hide?

  9. I am going to miss this….event. It always produced so much amusement to watch the clown car fire drill.

    And there was no upside to any of the participants….

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    Rhea … you are so right … all the election crap should only be allowed 6 months prior to the election date!!

  11. Marcia, electioneering (campaigning) in England is very short-lived. It averages about six weeks. Down right civilized.

  12. 1smartcanerican says:

    Rhea, I totally agree with you. There should be a short, limited time for politicking just prior to the vote, maybe 3 months max. So many politicians are always out shaking hands and working toward their next election that they are not doing the job they were hired to do! I do understand that Cruz may be one of the politicians who is working so hard to be president since he became a senator that he may hold the record for the least votes recorded in the senate, or at least be one of the top five failures at their job.

  13. 1smartcanerican says:

    Oh, and the big money needs to be out of our election process!

  14. @maggie, the reason for short election seasons in Britain is that the head of the party has already been decided. You vote for your local member of Parliament, and then the leader of the party with the most MPs gets to be Prime Minister. (I’m omitting the fact that they have more than two major parties, so it’s not always that neat.) Most of our misery comes from the unending struggle for that leader position. In Britain I think the party honchos decide it among themselves.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, Marcia in CO, and all the wonderful historical/political commentators of The World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., remember when and please feel to correct me if the books I read were wrong, but didn’t JFK begin his campaign in the spring and win in fall of 1960? Dollars adjusted for inflation, he maybe spent a few $100,000; not millions or billions of dollars.

    Election reform: no paid political ads by candidates or PACs; debate or STFU. Save a baby or two with no kissing at county fairs, and absolutely no photo ops with silly hats, guns or deep fried food posed in the mouth in ways that should truly offend the Xtian right. Remember Michelle “deep throat” Bachmann and a corndog?

    We the People start in June and vote in November. Each party has July to sort out their ponies. August, the two select ponies have a debate with each other and all 3rd party candidates. Then, all of them STFU until November, when We the People vote.

    Praise be the internet and Freedom of Speech. Each candidate is free to post their bullshit and We the People can read it, or not.

  16. claudeewelch says:

    As reprehensible as early campaigning, spending billions of dollars, and boring the hell out of everyone is we must remember one thing. This is still American where we can do any damn thing we want to do as long as what we do is not prohibited by the penal code.

  17. My solution is simple. All general elections are publicly funded. If you want to cheat, borrow, steal, or have some gazillionaire fund your campaign then they have to do it in the primary. Therefore, if the Republicans want to duke it out for three years, play dirty tricks against each other, and sign blood oaths to the Koch’s then so be it. It will be Republicans duking it out and stabbing each other in the back. There will be none of that in the general.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Scott with one caveat: all GOP candidates must choose between the Koch brother’s or Shelly Adelson’s bathrooms for their debates. We the People own the airwaves and should not be subjected to any GOP primary pollution. If they want to televise their crap, let them strike a deal with Fox, so everyone knows it’s crap and tax Fox to the limits for using our airwaves.

  19. Oh, I’d watch for entertainment value PKM. Although having it in a bathroom makes sense. Every time one of them panders to the base you can cue the flushing sound. I’ve always wanted to give their debates the mystery science theatre 3000 treatment.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    @ claudeewelch-wingnut males seem to have serious problems with the “penal”part of the code. Usually with where and to whom to put it. But their god always seems to forgive their sins.

  21. Wa Skeptic says:

    I think the ridiculous campaigning is a Big Plot to alienate the electorate due to boredom; make us so tired of hearing all the foolishness that we just tune them all out and forget to vote.

    I heartily agree with limiting the time for electioneering to no more than five months; and any money has to be labeled from the contributors so we ALL know who’s buying whom.

    The only good thing that comes out of the extended electioneering is that a lot of advertisers, political pundits, TV ad makers, etc., make a nice living for a couple of years. I had to laugh when the billionaires complained about not getting their money’s worth when their chosen candidates lost in 2012.
