Damn, Y’all, A New Entry in Presidential Politics

September 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

To think that the Federal Election Commission has doubts about the validity of this candidate for President!



Oh yeah, they’ll accept Donald Trump as a legitimate candidate but turn their noses up at Yeshua KingofKings Lord JesusChrist HolyOne?

There is something I would like to see, though.


I would love to see the signature.  I suspect it’s not written in Arabic.

And you would think that Yeshua KingofKings Lord JesusChrist HolyOne could de better than Club Entrepreneur rent-an-office. Hell, I didn’t even know Yeshua KingofKings Lord JesusChrist HolyOne was an entrepreneur.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Damn, Y’all, A New Entry in Presidential Politics”

  1. You sure this Guy is from GA. and not AZ. or OK? Just asking.

  2. Linda Phipps says:

    I have no doubt that he could get a few votes.

  3. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Um…Jesus wouldn’t have written in Arabic.

    The common language of his immediate area was Aramaic, not Arabic; he would have learned the language of the Torah, Hebrew, and might well have picked up some Latin or Greek from the cosmopolitan population, plus some of the other languages he might’ve heard in his travels.

    (Or, for some US fundamentalists, he is believed to have spoken and written 17th c. English, sounding like the King James edition of the Bible.)

  4. Are we sure this isn’t just Trump using another phony name?

  5. Elizabeth Moon: You seem to be pretty well versed in biblical languages so iI heve to ask. In Aramaic, how common is the suffix aaahhhhhhh? Dost thou know?

  6. Interesting, said the little guy in the helmet behind the bush on the old TV show! I wonder how often somebody like this has popped up over the years during a presidential cycle? Dozens, maybe? Hundreds? Thousands? Or were they all one clown using a different name each time?

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    LOL @ P.P. … don’t you imagine that “aaaaaaaaah” is the same regardless the language???

    Elizabeth Moon is a published author, so she probably knows a lot about such things!! LOL

  8. Marcia in Co: Maybe it’s less of a specific language kinda thing and more of a cave wall kinda thing. I think it might’ve even been on the Rosetta Stone. ….Yeah, yeah, that’s the ticket.

  9. @Elizabeth Moon

    My sainted mother’s bible had the direct quotes, in English, in red ink. As recorded by the Official Stenographer who followed Jesus about.

    Just sayin’

  10. Micr, our family had one of those Bibles too, with everything Jesus was supposed to have said printed in red. Try reading just the red parts sometime, and then think about any prominent “Christians” you know or who flap their yaps about everybody else’s behavior.

  11. I don’t remember if I mentioned it here before, but a while back a story came out about the F.E.C. cracking down on fake/joke candidate names. My favorite was Limberbutt McCubbins. Teenage girl got her cat registered. At first I just thought the name was funny. Then I realized she was selling campaign merchandise. If that doesn’t just scream AMERICA, I don’t know what does.

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    Well… y’see… the problem here is plurality. Yeshua is God. Likewise, King of Kings. But… that Jesus Christ mention muddies things up. That’s like TrumPence running as one person. Ain’t gonna fly! Shoulda stuck with just Yeshua. Pity.

  13. JAKvirginia says:

    But I will say his bumperstickers were Yuuuuuge!

  14. Western Aramaic, not Arabic (to be precise)

  15. Aggieland Liz says:

    It would be a come down for the almighty One, doncha think??

  16. Elizabeth, I have a grad degree in thealogy (It’s more appropriate for me to spell it that way, and I assume you understand.) I love it when righty bible thumpers insist that Jesus was white and spoke Elizabethan English with the accompanying accent.
