Damn! The Republicans Have Figured it Out

February 11, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh goodness gracious, it was in the Washington Post.

Phil Roe

Phil Roe

Speaking at a Heritage Foundation event on Monday about conservative alternatives to the Affordable Care Act, Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN) told the audience that among the ways in which the GOP can facilitate a takeover of the U.S. Senate would be to provide nominees with “a roll of duct tape to put over their mouths.” He said that his party should have taken the Senate in prior election cycles but, because the party’s nominees said “stupid things,” they failed to achieve that.

“I would suggest, when we nominate people, we give them a roll of duct tape to put over their mouths so they don’t say stupid things,” Roe said. “Maybe we can win an election.

Somebody, please, pretty please, buy up all the duct tape!

By the way, Phil, it’s spelled stoopid.  The GOP is waaaay beyond plain ole stupid.

And in Republican Irony De Jour:  This is the same guy who said that Obamacare should not cover pregnancies because his wife “has been fixed.”  Somebody get the duct tape.  Phil needs it.

Thanks to my friend Steve at White’s Creek for the heads up.


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