Damn! The Republicans Have Figured it Out

February 11, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh goodness gracious, it was in the Washington Post.

Phil Roe

Phil Roe

Speaking at a Heritage Foundation event on Monday about conservative alternatives to the Affordable Care Act, Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN) told the audience that among the ways in which the GOP can facilitate a takeover of the U.S. Senate would be to provide nominees with “a roll of duct tape to put over their mouths.” He said that his party should have taken the Senate in prior election cycles but, because the party’s nominees said “stupid things,” they failed to achieve that.

“I would suggest, when we nominate people, we give them a roll of duct tape to put over their mouths so they don’t say stupid things,” Roe said. “Maybe we can win an election.

Somebody, please, pretty please, buy up all the duct tape!

By the way, Phil, it’s spelled stoopid.  The GOP is waaaay beyond plain ole stupid.

And in Republican Irony De Jour:  This is the same guy who said that Obamacare should not cover pregnancies because his wife “has been fixed.”  Somebody get the duct tape.  Phil needs it.

Thanks to my friend Steve at White’s Creek for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Damn! The Republicans Have Figured it Out”

  1. We’re way stocked up on duct tape; guess we better start locking our front door.

  2. Phil only forgot one thing. If a Republican candidate wins an election with duct tape over her/his mouth, he needs to further suggest they leave the duct tape in place until the next election cycle. They’d become the intellectual wing of the party.

  3. Just their mouths? That’s not a good solution. They could still breath.

  4. I’m off to Lowes. Wonder if we can get a case discount? They now make duct tape in colors…very festive!!

  5. Alacrity Fitzhughe says:


    I didn’t know she was broken.

  6. He goes on to say: “Both of us have determined if we thought we had to raise another kid right now, we would jump off the Capitol, head first into the parking lot, face first. You got the idea, don’t want any more kids.”

    Well, I certainly hope he and his wife aren’t having sex any more because, ya know, it’s only for procreation…

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I’m sure Phil’s children are so glad that he doesn’t want to raise any more kids, and that he’s so er, uh, polite about saying so.

  8. First Phil you have to get right vernacular right; you got neutered and your wife got spayed. You can’t fix something that wasn’t broken.

    Second – Phil old boy – who paid for the “fixin’s”. SURELY NOT YOUR INSURANCE, wait you are on that nifty gov’ment health care – WHICH MY TAXES PAY FOR. You should have at least ask permission first.

    Third- before you start talking about your wife and the status of her internal organs and pretty much comparing what’s been done to you two to what’s been done to milions of dogs and cats – ya need to think – “Will my wife hit me with an iron when I get home tonight?

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Phil looks like an embalmed version of Rudy Giuliani. Meanwhile, don’t forget your own roll of duct tape, Phil.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    That is dumb,even for a dumb rethuglican. If they put a roll of duct tape over someone’s mouth,it would fall off when they stood up. Secondly,if they laid it flat,there would still be a hole big enough to shove both feet in their mouths. If you truly don’t want them saying stoopid things,cut their damn tongues out and eat them for breakfast.

  11. He’s way beyond stoopid. Just because his wife is “fixed” doesn’t mean he is!

    And I think the tape needs to go across where the sun don’t shine because that is where their heads are.
    Up. there.

  12. Speaking about republicans needing tape, it reminded me today is Sarah Palin’s 50 birthday.

    Happy Birthday Sarah.
    Thank God you are not our VP!!!

  13. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Oh joy, Sack of Nuts hit 50, quit being governor, is not the VP and became irrelevant even on Flux Nuts. Does she get the Gohmert Award for that hat trick?

    Thanks for bringing up Palin, Diane. At the first mention of duct tape on this thread, her image flooded my brain. Visions of the Scottsdale Scammer flashing us with her message written in crayon on her illiterate paw.

    Duct tape, rubber mittens, and stretch wrap; what will it take to protects the GOP from themselves? Sound proof padded room perhaps? NO PEEKING!

  14. It is truly pathetic that ole Phil Roe is ONLY ONE of many from various Baggerville Districts in Tennessee. The stoopid, I sure as hell hope it hurts and hurts badly.

    It is beyond embarrassing – both my homestate of Tejas and my adopted state of Tennessee are full of idiots, imbeciles, bigots and wastes of humanity.

  15. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I don’t know why his wife needed fixing, but it is clear to see that he still needs a major overhaul.

  16. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I was just shaking my head. Nice to know his wife is fixed.

    Then I read Rick’s comment @3 and I’m cracking up.

  17. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    And Lynn @4. LOL..

  18. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    TTPT @7. Way to Gohmert, Louie. I only hope his kids are deaf and don’t know how to read.

  19. Nice to know that he and his wife won’t be reproducing again. Not so nice that he announced it to the whole world.
    And I will be looking for the announcement of their separation soon. What a moron!
    So like a Repug to criticize others for exactly what he’s doing.

  20. Sam in Kyle says:

    Just wondering how much I could cover up with the duct tape?

  21. His wife has been fixed? What an insulting SOB!!!! His wife is not a cat or a dog but he obviously thinks so and wants everyone to know it! Phil, honey, that roll of duct tape on the table has your damn name on it! Grab it and use it!

  22. There is not enough duct tape in the world to prevent all the untoward utterances of the GOP.

  23. @Rick:
    Your comment reminds me of a quote attributed to Mark Twain, “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.” Maybe the GOP should adopt it as their Party Slogan or Motto.

  24. It used to be that only Reagan had a posse of people to follow him around and try to spin his idiotic remarks into something that sounded halfway intelligent. Now it seems that it ought to be standard equipment for a GOP politician.

  25. Sharon, I wouldn’t be upset about our tax money going to ensure that Phil here can’t reproduce any more. (Shame that he did in the first place, of course.) Firstly, this procedure is a lot cheaper than paying for the costs of pregnancy and child health care. Second, I’d be happy to chip in my share to make sure he stops doing it.

    If he and his wife can no longer reproduce, not only should they stop having sex, but according to GOP doctrine they shouldn’t be married at all.

  26. And marryin’ Phil is what “fixed” ‘er.

  27. @Rhea: Have you ever read “Ronald Reagan’s Reign of Error?” The first edition was what RR said, followed by the truth. The 2nd edition (when he was in the WH) was (1) what Raygun said, (2) the truth, and (3) how his handlers spun it. Must read.
