Damn! Louie Caught Us Again.

July 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert has caught us again.

First he caught us breeding terror babies.  He caught Obama building a private army for himself in the Affordable Care Act.  Louie Gohmert catches us cahooting to rob him of his precious bodily fluids every darn time we try.  Now he’s caught us trying to make Obama look like a hero on his birthday.

The fact that the party is the day after the debt deadline is something Gohmert finds awfully suspicious, he told Newsmax TV yesterday, suggesting that Obama chose the date so he could be a hero at his “birthday bash” for the “celebrities flying in from all over”:

GOHMERT: And I can’t help but be a little bit cynical here. Because we find out the president has a big birthday bash scheduled for August the 3rd, celebrities flying in from all over. And lo and behold, August 2nd is the deadline for getting something done so he can have this massive, the biggest fundraising dinner in history for a birthday celebration. […] Isn’t that amazing? The timing of this?

Foiled again!

Plus, Barack Obama spelled backwards is Amabo Kcarab.  So, you got that, too.

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