Damn! I Was MADE For That Job!

March 27, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So there’s this guy named Eugene Delgaudio, who lives Virginia and accidentally got elected a Republican county supervisor.  I say accidentally because nothing this nifty could happen on purpose.

It seems that Eugene, who is another of those oh so hunky Republican men, makes his living running a scam fundraising operation called Public Advocate of the United States.  The reported purpose of this group is to fight the homosexual agenda.  Not shockingly, they do nothing else but raised money for … you got it, Eugene.

He pulled in a cool $1.2 million last year and used about a third of that money to raise more money so he could raise more money with the money he’s raising.  And, yes, Eugene pays himself a “management” salary of $172 grand a year.  Plus some other monies he undoubtedly enjoys.

Well, Eugene’s group ends up on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s list of hate groups, which Eugene is now using for publicity to raise more money.

The very nice folks over at Waking Up Now blog started trying to find some of the advocacy that Eugene’s group does.  They found this priceless You Tube of Eugene holding up traffic, waving a flag, and hollering at the White House.  They also have a heckuva story about it.

Here’s his website.

Don’t send him money.  He’s just gonna use it to buy bad ties and hold up traffic.

Thanks to Jim for the heads up.

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