Damn, I Love Texas Women.

December 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Meet a senate candidate with a great commercial.


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0 Comments to “Damn, I Love Texas Women.”

  1. Aggieland liz says:

    Excellent. I now have another candidate to support! Thank you!

  2. Marge Wood says:

    There’s a Democratic party guy running for Senate. Anyone remember or know who he is? Miz Prissypants?

  3. great commercial. She is definitely a keeper

  4. Great commercial

  5. I’ll vote for her, for sure, but I don’t like her ad at all. She gives way too many mentions of Cruz and Cornyn and it’s way into the commercial before you hear/see her name. Many people won’t even watch or listen up to that point. When I was in jr. high there was a girl who went down the hall between classes, or at lunch, saying “Hi, I’m _______________. When it was time to vote for cheerleader, class officer, or anything else, she had the name identification to be elected to everything.
    Maxey needs her name out front and instead of saying so many I will ————- she should sometimes be saying Maxey will———–.
    My advertising advice is free

  6. You are right Linda, but other than that I loved it.

  7. UmptyDump says:

    What you have heard is a video that can be diced up into several commercials for broadcast in different lengths. Look at it again and see how the sections stand on their own.

    Taken altogether, it’s an introduction and positioning video for viewing on the Internet, laptops, tablets, etc. The Cruz Control label is great because it’s an easy pun, memorable and a very sticky tag that Teddy will have a tough time peeling off. The wreck is very visual and a great device to haul around nearby streets wherever Teddy might be having a rally.

    Gotta fix the spelling of “minimum” at 1:25, however.

  8. Robin Frazier says:

    Sounds great but who is she. What has she done and where is the money coming from. This ad cost some money. Until I know answers I am not jumping. The Repugs have run straw candidates before. They are worried and desperate. The Perry machine is crumbling.

  9. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Here’s what I know….Allegedly she practices law with her Dad’s firm in El Paso, which has a good reputation. Her Dad has committed to take off the upcoming year so he can work on her campaign fulltime, focusing on fundraising. Think they do a lot of personal injury cases, so I am sure he will do a whole lot of fundraising and tree shaking among that branch of the legal community. She’s a Tx Tech law grad, I’m pretty sure. She’s also Hispanic. She’s on Facebook, so if you are… go find her. I did.

    She was in Abilene yesterday morning, found out about it about noon the day before, and of course there was an inch of ice on everything in sight, it was sleeting, and a balmy 8 degrees…. Getting out to drink coffee in an ice storm at 8am wasn’t real high on my priority list of things I wanted to do, so I have emailed her to please let me know when she will be back thru town again, and I’ll try to pull something together for her. I am hoping she has taken the classes for women candidates given by Annie’s List, can garner some early endorsements from them and Emily’s List, because as we all know.. Early Money Is Like Yeast……

    I’m frankly glad to have an option other than that goofy woman who is so anti-Obama she needs to go join the Tea Party or something. I hear there are 4 people thinking of running as Democrats, but I’ve only seen the two women pop up so far, and as far as I concerned, one of them needs to pop back down in the hole in the ground from whence she came.

  10. OK, I’ve got nothing to add. Seriously fine comments by UD and Miss PB (except, of course, that “from whence” is a redundancy. Sorry; being pedantic is one of my lesser flaws.)

  11. #5 linda,

    While she didn’t say who she was, the fact she is a female, young, and talks like someone who isn’t afraid all the time should be enough of a distinction

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Please help! Texas has some fantastic women candidates, but as an out of state fan, am unsure of how much we can donate legally. The solution my wife prefers is that we donate to Emily’s List, then make lots of noise to make it known that Texas has some great women deserving national support. We would sincerely appreciate any and all legal suggestions as to how we can support sane candidates from Texas.

    Progressive Women, the solution to old boys without a clue.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    I’ve heard from a winning candidate awhile back that when you are phone banking you try to say the candidate’s name at least three time during the short conversation. That particular candidate started her campaign three years from the election she intended to win–not necessarily announced that early but she had her eye on the spot.

    And PKM, if you want to give a lot of money we’ll help you figure out a way. Getting ANY Democrat elected in Texas will help ALL the Democrats. The rest of the folks on here are way smarter than I am about all that.

    Something to chew on: K. bros. bought a company that makes computer security parts for Apple. Creepy huh.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Thank you Marge Wood. We knew this was the place to ask. We trust you folks more than we do our own accountant. He may be a closet republican, or simply in ‘the’ closet. Is that being redundant? Not that any of that would matter, but his head sure spun 360, when we asked about donating to candidates nationally.

    We are most concerned that we keep our contributions legal for the sake of the candidates. Last thing we would want is to inadvertently harm a grassroots candidate with some silly error. Too bad we real folks don’t have the same voice granted to corporations by that insane Citizens United decision. As you mentioned, it sure has worked for the K bros.

  15. There is an “Annie’s List” similar to Emily’s List, but dedicated to finding, funding, helping Texas women run for office.

  16. Well-done commercial. I agree with Robin Frazier — I would like to hear more about Maxey Scherr’s accomplishments and affiliations. The Senate is the upper chamber and candidates REALLY, REALLY should have *some* experience before getting voted in. That said, I do like her agenda as she presents it here. The commercial is very long, but as UmptyDumpty said, it’s meant to be an introduction. But again, it doesn’t really tell us much about her background. Bottom line: At this point any Dem who runs against Cornyn is cannon fodder, unfortunately, so I do commend this young lady for running and I’d like to know more about her. I’m from the foreign state of NY, but I’ve been watching Texas politics closely this year.

  17. She has my vote!

  18. I hate Cornyn. Always have. That is all. Thank you.

  19. Mary Beth says:

    Never a good idea to keep saying the name of the opponent and make it memorable. i have worked on campaigns and they say “just say my name, negative or positive, it doesn’t matter’. So the next ad needs to emphasize her name. I know this has been mentioned previously, but can’t say it too often, never stump for the other guy.

  20. Juanita Jean says:

    Let me just jump in here for a minute and gently disagree with some of you about this. This wasn’t an ad – this was an internet introduction to her base, meant especially to let people get to know her through Facebook and social media. Cornyn and Cruz are well known names in Texas so she can’t do much except make them dirty words, which is what she did very effectively. She tied Cornyn to Cruz (because Cornyn used to be the moderate in Texas) and tossed them both overboard with a truck tied around their legs.

    There’s something we know in Texas. We really don’t have to persuade anyone. If we get our non-voting base out, we win. She was showing her non-voting base why they should vote. I thought her driving the truck around Texas is a great idea. That will get her some national attention.

  21. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Hey, she drove that van with the crashed-up car on Cruz Control thru an ice storm on Wednesday night, parked it out on one of the downtown streets while drinking coffee in Abilene at 8am at a coffee shop. She got no local coverage on TV, but I am sure she got lots of visibility on I-20. Her next stop was Pecos, I guess on her way back home to El Paso. Whoever was driving that caravan had nerves of steel to be out on the roads the past few days in this part of the world. My husband drove from a doctor’s appt in Ft Worth that same afternoon/early evening… took him close to 5 hours to get back to Abilene – it was treacherous. Maxey has Moxey.

  22. Elizabeth says:

    On the basis of this, I like her. A lot. I’m not an experienced campaigner, so I can’t critique it on the basis some of you have–I’m sure you know what you’re doing–but just as a starter, she hits me in the right places.

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Excellent points Juanita Jean and Miss Prissybritches.

    Name recognition can be a positive asset. However, when the name is Ted Bundy, Ted Kaczynski or Ted Cruz the more accurate word might be infamous. How’s the “T” word working for ya, John?

    Certainly Blogs will give Maxey Scherr some good publicity mileage, too. Local and national media often comb the blogs for ideas. Jon Stewart might like a glimpse of the Cronyn/Cruz crash car.

    Links, I want links, gals & guys, when this race hits the political ad cycle. I want to see every ad the Maxey Scherr team airs throttling John with his own words. Love this aspect of the media for which if they said it, we can find it. So little time, but so many moments to watch John buried in a steaming load of his own Gohmert.

    Go Texas!

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “she hits me in the right places” Elizabeth, that is exactly the feedback needed to weigh the merits of a campaign.

  25. JJ — Thanks for clarification, especially for those of us from foreign states. I am a Dem from NY, so although I won’t be voting for Maxey, I certainly do wish her well. I do get the point about this video being aimed at the non-voting base rather than the public at large. That is the objective in Texas: Get out the vote among the Democratic-leaning population who are not inclined to vote in an off-year election. If Maxey raises the issues and brings them to the non-voting population, she will be helping to strengthen the Dems down the line in 2014. I also agree with you and Miss Prissy that the “Cruz Control” truck is a good visual image to have driving around Texas. Again, anything that raises the issues can move people to the polls.

  26. How do you know where she is going to be? Was there a list somewhere on her site that I missed? Is she sending it out or something?

  27. Melissa Roth says:

    I saw the car at the Capitol yesterday but I had not seen the ad yet. I wish I would have known, I would have taken a pic of it. I like her!

  28. Honey Pie says:

    Maxie is indeed a local gal whose money will no doubt be nudged along by her daddy’s big business ties here at home. And he’s got it to burn so though she won’t make it to the big house, she might be able to make a dent with at least some of the folks who say they’re “progressive” locally but run with big money ties to Repubs. Time’ll tell-we’ll just have to wait and see.
