Damn Governor
Baseball is a game that requires a certain amount of intellect to understand and enjoy. That right there leaves out any Governor of Texas currently in office.
Baseball is also a game filled with superstition and voodoo and all manner of jinxes. Just watch Joe Altuve at bat. It takes a full minute for him to go through his routine, rituals, and thumb kissing to walk to the plate before every pitch. I am sure that even he will admit that it hasn’t been working too well lately but to change the routine blessings to the baseball gods would mean the roof would fall in on the ballpark.
So, with this in mind, our dog dump ignorant Governor tweeted this in the seventh inning when the Astros were four runs ahead.
It ain’t over until it’s over, Governor.
And if one of our pitchers has a no-hitter going in the eighth inning, somebody tape that jerk’s mouth shut.
I knew it had to be Greg Abbott’s fault. I knew it.