Cult Trumps… Well, You Know, Black

April 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all probably remember Robert Jeffress, the minister of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, who said that Mormonism was a cult.

Jeffress, who has some sugar in his britches and has been known to melt gaydar machines into piles of glitter, endorsed Rick Perry and could not think of enough bad words to say about Mitt Romney.

Well, Honey, all that has changed.  Ho boy, has it ever.

“Given the choice between a Christian like Barack Obama , who embraces non-Biblical principles like abortion, and a Mormon like Mitt Romney, who embraces Biblical principles, there is every reason to support Mitt Romney in this election,” said Jeffress, who initially backed Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential bid.

You know, sometimes I feel bad for the Religious Right – none of their core beliefs are in the Bible.  That’s gotta be tough on Sunday morning.  Twisting the words of Sweet Jesus into a judgmental, hate-mongering, divisive, name-calling, greedy, self-righteous, did I mention judgmental?, faithless, exploitative, stingy, exclusive hallelujah filled rant cannot be an easy job.

But Jeffress makes it look like cutting butter with a hot knife.

Thanks to David for the heads-up.

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