Cruz News: Yucky Thought Edition

March 16, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The latest Cruz News is that Governor Nikki Haley is endorsing him.

That makes me shiver even in the damn Texas heat.

I have no idea why Haley doesn’t get “Vice Presidential Fresh Meat” stamped on on her forehead.  That would be far less obvious than dumping Marco Rubio like he belched at an office party.



Such a cute couple of wacky kids.

She’s just one click better than Sarah Palin.  I think Haley has read a book.  One.

Thanks to TG for the heads up.



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0 Comments to “Cruz News: Yucky Thought Edition”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Nimrata will need to change “Nikki” to Nakita to match with crooze. Or, Nimrod.

  2. Nah. She didn’t read the book. Just colored in it.

  3. slipstream says:

    And the book was “My Pet Goat.”

    Nikki says it was highly recommended.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    President Obama just gave Nikki the NIX on her drill baby, drill.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Maybe it should be Nikki HO-ley. Apparently she’ll jump in bed with anyone. Figuratively speaking…

  6. JAK, I think that was a little out of line….

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Y’know Rhea, you might be right. And I thank you for helping me make a decision. Simply: I am outa here. I’ve enjoyed my time at TWMDBS. But I just can’t stand the polite liberal anymore. When I see the lies and hate from the right but it is I that might be a little out of line? Fine.

    Buh-bye, folks! It’s been nice.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia, please don’t leave! Unless we receive the “bar of soap” notice, playing rough with the snacilbupeR is allowed here.

  9. What if that one book was “written” by Palin?

    Sorry that JAK is leaving…

  10. Ole Scout says:

    It was a comic book. It is reported that as she read, her lips moved. Imagine that moving one’s lips whilst reading pictures. Must be imagining dialogue, where none exists … is a repub trait.

  11. JAK, if it makes a difference, I wasn’t questioning an attack on Haley but that you expressed it in the sexual way you did. If that can make you leave the site, I can’t feel responsible for your decision. I’ve enjoyed other comments you’ve made.

  12. @JAK

    Most of us who comment here are anonymous and thus feel more free to growl at another patron who dares step on a raw nerve. I have done so, as have others I recall. EPO and PKM amongst others have helped make the peace until the nerve stopped throbbing.

    This too shall pass.

  13. I wouldn’t second guess JAK’s decision, but I’ve always very much appreciated that this site was civil and polite. I didn’t think she was particularly out of line though.

  14. I don’t think JAK was out of line and I hope she sticks around. I like liberals with attitude. I like Rhea too.

    I don’t like Haley and Oozy Croozy makes my skin crawl. Eeeeuwww.

  15. slipstream says:

    Is it just me, or did anyone else notice that Trump now has 666 delegates?

    Seems fitting, somehow.

  16. Aggieland Liz says:

    I thought the line was foul language and ad hominem attacks on each other? We use plenty of imagery of various kinds to mock and sneer at all sorts of persons, public and private, that indulge in hypocrisy and downright stupidity. Much of that imagery is sexual. Some of it is even bestial (poor animals)!! The only person we really have to worry about offending is Miss Juanita Jean as it is her site – and she will email you if you get too close to her line! I’ll miss your sharp wit and plays on words JAK, and I do hope you will reconsider.

  17. Marcia in CO says:

    JAK … please don’t leave … both you and Rhea have given me some of the best laughs here at the Salon. Personally, I have seen a lot worse then your comment in here and some of them may have come from my very own keyboard! Yikes!! So far, no one has told me to sit in the corner … not yet, anyway!! And your comment isn’t a corner-worthy comment either!

    Happy St. Pat’s Day to everyone … Irish or Not!!

  18. JAK. Just call Nikki a person of easily negotiable virtue.

  19. Linda Lester says:

    Getting back on subject, Ms. Haley is looking for a new job in some right wing administration does not matter who–thus, now hopping on board with Canadian Cruz, king of the Evangelicals and the most frightening of the bunch-she has no loyalty, and if Kasich somehow gains ground and gets ahead of Cruz, she will go with him–Trump is just not evangelical enough and therefore she will go with either of the other two–Again, look at the seedy endorsements that Cruz is getting and the people he hangs with–Remember, he is qualified because he can cite Green Eggs and Ham in the US Senate and because he knows how to stop government in its tracks–Ms. Haley better start reading the rest of the Dr. Seuss books–Perhaps “How the Grinch stole Christmas” might be appropriate since Cruz thinks there is a war going on against Christians–also remember that Ben C and Chrissie Christie are on board with Trump in the hopes of new employment–Hope you all and JAK can come to a peaceful resolution as I love reading all your comments on Juanita Jean’s website–

  20. Aggieland Liz says:

    Hi Linda L, Gov Kasich is Catholic, and won’t be too popular with the real Dominionist/evangelical crowd. He might be Opus Dei, but I don’t think so-just a typical anti abortion anti birth control Catholic longing for the good ol days before Vatican ll. Sure wish we could back religion out of this deal! The surprising thing to me is how many evangelicals support Trump. My smarter half says it just proves they are big on the talk but won’t walk the walk!

  21. Linda Lester says:

    Hi, Aggieland Liz,
    You are right about Kasich too–either of the three of them are equally frightening –although he seems to fool people into thinking they are “reasonable and moderate” candidates–like my father who is a Democrat (and will vote for a Democrat) seems to think he is –I look at the three candidates and they all use the bait and switch approach to getting votes– bait everyone with the fear and hate coming in the door, and then switch to the real agenda after they have duped everyone!! Hope people will get smart soon–

  22. Aggieland Liz says:

    Well, I do think Kasich is the least of the three evils? But bad is bad is bad and we can do much better. Wish Debbie W-S would retire or be retired, too. Not helpful, that one!
