Crook Vs. Crook

April 23, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I was present in the courtroom for the Tom DeLay punishment phase of his trial.  The only character witness he had was Dennis Hastert, which seems ironic now, right?

Well, Tom returned the favor and testified as to Hartert being a fine Christian man who prayed alone with Tom and one minister every week and they were intimate.

According to Tom, if you love the Lord, you’re a good man no matter what you do.  Saying that you love the Lord, even when you don’t, counts, too.

DeLay’s crook to crook letter.


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Other congressmen also sent letters supportive of Hastert.  They argue that he is old and sick so we should show mercy to him.  Yep, the same guys who voted to impeach Bill Clinton think Dennis Hartert is a good man.


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0 Comments to “Crook Vs. Crook”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Now hush, JJ. There’s a confession in there somewhere. Let Tom speak: “Nothing could have been more intimate between us.”

    Sure explains a lot about the snacilbupeR concern trolling regarding keeping restrooms cisgender. Or, when a toe tap really is a toe tap……

  2. “We held each other accountable.” I don’t know whether to laugh or puke.

  3. charles r. phillips says:

    I think he’s occupied way to much time on this earth. Step aside, Hastert, and let someone worthy of respect breath for awhile.

  4. “In Dr. Johnson’s famous dictionary patriotism is defined as the last resort of a scoundrel. With all due respect to an enlightened but inferior lexicographer, I beg to submit that it is the first.”—Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary, at entry for patriotism, The Collected Writings of Ambrose Bierce, p. 323 (1946, reprinted 1973).

    That saying works for religion also, especially in right-wing America.

  5. Somebody said when Bill Clinton got in big trouble that the Democrats tended to think that as long as his policies were good for people, his private life was kinda his own (and his family’s) business, whereas the GOP thought that he was morally tainted and nothing else he did could be any good.

    Guess some of them changed their minds.

    “If you love the Lord you’re a good man no matter what you do.” O-kay. Let’s see what their own authority has to say about that:

    Why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say? (Luke 6:46)

    Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 7:21)

    — Atheist cheerfully quoting scripture again.

  6. Mark Schlemmer says:

    They used to meet in a bathroom stall for Bybull Study. UmmmHmmm . . . . . . .

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    That’s what passes for evolving snacilbupeR style. From the perverts of the Delay/Hastert days to current day Pervangelist, Loathsome Ted Crooze. But they’re true to the convoluted conservative concept of loving their self-loathing selves. Or, simply: hypocrisy.

    25 things we didn’t know about Ted Cruz by Bill Maher:

    Bill only scratched the surface. He needs Miss Juanita Jean Herownself to guest write for his show.

  8. I think that get together was nothing more than three perverts comparing notes and a circle jerk at the end.

  9. Jack Patterson says:

    I wonder if Josh Dugger was ever a guest at their “prayer” meeting?

  10. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Tom Delay: The virus science still can’t cure.

  11. Zyxomma, “I don’t know whether to laugh or puke”…

    A little bit of both, at the same time, for me i’m afraid.

  12. When are the results of the punishment phase due to come out?

  13. Let’s give him EXACTLY the same punishment he gave those innocent children. BTW, how much money is he paying to each of his victims? It should be enough to leave him penniless and possessionless. He can sleep on Delay’s couch and the 2 of them can rekindle their oh-so-intimate relationship on whatever level they want. I could care less about what 2 adults do.

  14. When all this blew up, several people I knew had to think hard to remember Hastert and finally did so by recalling that he looked more like a teddy bear to them. Teddy bears don’t do grizzly things like victimize kids. As for him and Delay, I can’t recall either one of them ever expressing repentance which is the first damn thing one does in such situations. Repentance, followed by reformation. Can’t see any of that in these bozos. And frankly the GOP went after Bill because (horrors!) there were women involved! Frankly, I think they were flat out jealous! As far as I am concerned, Hastert could be sentenced to something like Club Med at a medium security level institution that has a good on-site med unit. But thats as far as I would go being one of them damn lenient liberals. Jail it is.

  15. LynnN and Rhea–beautiful, both!

  16. Mrs. Betty Bowers, America’s Best Christian, has a few words about all this, too.

  17. Elsie, I haven’t checked in on Mrs. Betty Bowers in months. She truly is America’s Best Christian. I loved her description of the Duggars, “Kardashians of Christ.” Beautiful.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    Has-spurt loves the lord,but he apparently loves young boys better and more often.

    Your honor,when I accidently rubbed their massive, rock hard genitalia,it was just to show them how to put their opponents on the mat at ease. All very innocent-me, not them.

  19. Tilphousia says:

    Textbook definition of hypocrites. Well, hubris is the sin most hated by the Gods. The sin that called the wrath of Nemesis upon the perps. And her vengeance is unrelenting. You go girl!

  20. I was disappointed to learn that Betty and Landover Baptist wasnt in Hunt County. I’d have sworn growing up it was. I guess I could be wrong.

  21. AliceBeth says:

    I want to see all the names of those who wrote letters, especially the ones the judge ignored because they did not want their names public. The GOP is coming out as the party that supports child rape. Even I did not think they were that bad.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Delay should get the case transferred to Texass where wingnuts get out of jail free.

  23. Lunargent says:

    ZOMG, why have I never heard of Betty Bowere before? Scathingly brilliant!

  24. Your last sentence is the most effective indictment — ever of the right-wing militants in this culture. It’s why they don’t belong here.
