Cringe Creep

February 12, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I hate Rush Limbaugh worse than the devil hates holy water.

He’s the sorriest excuse for a man I’ve ever known about.

And now he’s staring at the First Lady’s behind.

“There is Michelle Obama and the $12,000 gown by Carolina Herrera, and the French president Hollande is in the middle, and there’s Obama. You’ll notice that this dress is bigger than the president of France. Here, let me make one more adjustment here and I’ll show you this again. Take a look at that picture. The little guy in the middle is the socialist dictator — well, not dictator. He’s the socialist president of France. On the left, that’s not Oprah. Don’t confuse that. That’s Michelle Obama. I saw a picture of this from the rear. That’s why I thought it was Oprah. I did.”

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 2.43.02 PM


President Hollande is 5 foot 6.  (Although I’ve heard he’s taller laying down.)  President Obama is 6 foot 1.  The First Lady is 5 foot perfect.

So, Jaba the Limbaugh is making physical appearance jokes?  Yeah, cause every woman in the world wants to physically pleasing to Rush Limbaugh.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Cringe Creep”

  1. “I thought it was Oprah. I did.”

    Rush is a brave man. He’s already admitted to his listeners that he’s deaf, now he’s revealed he’s blind too. If we can just remain patient, next up has got to be his ability to speak.

  2. So many things wrong here. Let me just tackle one of them: It was my understanding that designers give their dresses to First Ladies to wear free of charge – it is free advertisement and Michelle, in particular, has a history of boosting their sales like crazy.

  3. Mark in Ft Worth says:

    “Jabba the Limbaugh” ….that’s classic. I’m gonna use that one. Thanks Juanita.

  4. The president and first lady looked amazing. The little French guy, not so much. Now Rush, on the other hand, needs to look in the mirror and try to keep from screaming. No reflection!

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    I believe Michelle is tall … 5’10 or 5’11 … perfect for her 6’1 hubby!! And that dress looked to have a slender long skirt and the back and sides are an attached over-skirt! Not sure how to explain it, but I saw a pic of Michelle walking and the sides kinda poofing out to show the inner slender skirt.

    I think it is beautiful and everything Michelle wears just fits her to a “T”

    Rush Limpballs is just a fool, so who cares what he thinks??

  6. @Marcia in CO: Yes, it has inverted pleats and a “modest” train. She would look good in a potato sack. Maybe that’s because she spends an hour a day working out. I wonder how much time Limpbaugh spends exercising anything other than his mouth.

    @Cheryl: I don’t know what arrangements Michelle has made with designers. Oleg Cassini designed all of Jackie’s clothes and sent the bill to Old Joe (at his request), so she really didn’t know how much her clothes actually cost. Nancy Reagan was notorious for “borrowing” her designer duds and then never returning them. There was some talk of charging her with tax evasion for not declaring the clothes. I believe the Bush I administration decided to give her a pass.

  7. Wa Skeptic says:

    Actually, Mrs Reagan was taken to court for stealing the designer clothing and won; it was settled when her buddy Bloomingdale paid the guy. Just a typical Rethuglican at work–or rather his wife this time. The only reason Ronnie was an R was because Nancy liked money.

  8. @BarbinDC: Back when Mrs. Raygun was first Lady of Calif; she would “borrow” on a regular basis and then return. We all saw the pics of her in the Sacramento Bee and one of my friends in later life was actually a buyer for I.Magins and confirmed this story.

  9. I think she looks simply lovely. Rush needs to find someone his own size to pick on. Maybe Chris Christie would fit the bill.

  10. JJ forgot to put that fine snapshot of Limbaugh sitting in his booth doing his show; the contrast between the Obamas and the slob would be lovely.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rush is jealous that designer dresses are not available in his size and he can’t find a pair of shoes at any price to support his carcass in heels.

    First Lady Obama looks stunning! The President is a very lucky man.

  12. Rush is nothing but a disgusting tub of lard who should probably wear a bra because he likes to wear knit shirts, presumably to emphasize his “attributes.”

    The First Lady, on the other hand, is an extremely beautiful and healthy woman with an infallible sense of class and style, who — as noted above — would be gorgeous in a potato sack.

    Anyone see a basis for comparison here? No, I thought not.

  13. Marcia in CO says:

    Here’s a better description of Michelle’s dress:

    The dress featured a sheer black top with hand-embroidered and beaded appliques and sleeves that dipped just below the first lady’s elbows. A black velvet belt connected the bodice to a full “Liberty blue” silk skirt and a long billowing train.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    My wife thought the First Family’s dog was so cute, you guessed it, we now have one. They now have two. Don’t go there, Jane, our blasted mutt eats better than we do. Has better medical care, too.

  15. Marge Wood says:

    re: The Dress–I want one too. I don’t know where I’d wear it but I want one.
    re: Michelle and her looks–I should be so lucky.
    re: Rush–no comment.

  16. Ralph Wiggam says:

    The joke about seeing Oprah from the rear is bound to win him enemies.

    Oprah has power and you shouldn’t joke about her rear.

  17. What a pig. IIRC, Limbaugh also said that Gov. Jennifer Granholm would look better in a burqa. Really? His own inner ugliness is apparently welling up inside of him and filling up his eyeballs, clouding his vision.

  18. What else could you expect from a waste of DNA who picked on little girls, as in Chelsea Clinton in the first year of the Clinton Administration. Check the history and see what he called her. It made every mother in the country outraged.

  19. To hear this jackass talk about anyone’s looks is enough to cause great nausea within all in hearing. This hateful, vengeful, ignorant slob is the face (OMG) of the repugnican party…in great contrast is our graceful, intelligent, sensitive First Lady– may she wear Caroline Herrera in peace, dignity and health. I love her. She is gorgeous and gracious– ALL the things the Limpster is not…

  20. Michelle looks gorgeous! Rush is just pissed that he can’t find anyone that attractive and intelligent.
    Oh yeah, anyone take a look at Limpballs from the front or behind lately?
    Good God, he’s so ugly, he’d make a freight train take a dirt road!

  21. Fashion is my business. I feel competent to comment and discuss the effect of anything someone wears. I don’t always agree with Michelle’s choices, but she’s never way off the mark. Bottom line, she’s classy. This gown is in some ways a tribute to the guest of honor. It’s very much high fashion. The silhouette is based on historic gowns of the mid-19th century, and again to the 1950s. Feminine to the max! The gown has backfullness, almost a bustle quality, which is one of the most flattering styles on a woman, I think. Michelle has the figure of a real woman, what we should aspire to. This dress epitomizes that.
    Ladies, do any of you remember being a girl with a taffeta dress on, walking around swishing the skirt just to hear the sound it made? I do! That’s what this gown reminds me of.
    In one word, gorgeous.

  22. Maybe the delicious swishing sounds of the taffeta could cover the terrible squacks of Rush’s un-evolved vocalizations, if we all go drag out our stashed formalwear and swish it all at the same time?

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    jill, maybe if all you ladies donate your dresses, a taffeta gown for Rush could be built in a tent size. Let his own crackling keester drown out his gohmert rants.

    Win-win-win Y’all clear up some closet space, Rush comes out of the closet, and none of us will be able to hear him. (with all due serious apologies to gay community) We know the mouth gohmert isn’t gay, he’s straight on pedophile.

  24. Forrest Gump reminds us that”Pretty is as pretty does”. No wonder Rush is so ugly. Ugly is oozing out every pore.

  25. austinhatlady says:

    Jan, totally agree with your evaluation. I was a writer/editor for several years a few decades back with a trade publlication in the apparel industry). Michelle was gorgeous in that dress. Haven’t agreed with all of her choices, but have loved the great majority. She does gorgeous very well.

  26. I once was a professional costumer so the fabrics, workmanship and design of this gown would send my heart fluttering if it were displayed on a dress form but as worn by Mrs. Obama it is beyond wonderful.
    Costuming not being very lucrative I turned to tax law (seemed like a logical progression) and have the following comments on the “cost” of designer apparel, taxability thereof:
    If a designer gives–or sharply discounts–expensive couture clothing to a famous client in return for the expected publicity the value of the “gift” or discount is definitely income to the client. The same principle applies to “loaners” although the value of a loan might be harder to calculate.
    I am positive that Mrs. Obama is either buying
    her wardrobe outright or declaring discounted items appropriately.
    Why am I so sure?
    Both the Obamas are lawyers; they make their tax returns public; their lives have been the subject of literally insane levels of scrutiny for years.
    No lawyer of Mrs. Obama’s ability is going to risk her law license for a dress.
    Please, fellow salonistas, do NOT read any of the comments on other websites addressing this topic; you will be sick.
    (I’m surprised no one has mentioned the obvious possibility that designer dresses like the Herrara confection are often consigned to discrete re-sale establishments.)

  27. So Limbaugh thinks that Michelle should have dressed frumpy at a dinner for the President of France?

  28. IllanoyGal says:

    @Kallie “Good God, he’s so ugly, he’d make a freight train take a dirt road!” Sure hope you don’t mind but that is so good that I’ve just got to swipe it! At least I will once I stop laughing!!

  29. Rush has an ugly soul. Not one cent of his money can buy him a pretty or nice one.

  30. I know diddly about fashion but I read that Michelle Obama went to an American designer for this dress.

    And you could throw Rush Limbaugh in a river and skim ugly for three days.

  31. Aggieland liz says:

    That would be abuse of a natural resource, Rhea, and the cleanup would probably bankrupt the Superfund! Bleah!

    And Kallie, I’m still snickering about your errant freight train too; first rate m’dear!! 😀 😀 😀

  32. love that jabbalimbah!!!!

  33. Yes, Kallie, superb.

  34. Exchanges I wish we could hear and see between Mrs Obama and Mr Limbaugh, with apologies to the spirits of Sir Winston Churchill and Lady Astor:

    Limbaugh: “Michelle, you’re drunk”.
    Mrs Obama: “But I shall be sober in the morning and you, sir, will still be ugly. ”

    Limbaugh: “Mrs Obama, if you were my wife, I’d put poison in your drink.”
    Mrs Obama: “Sir, if I were your wife … I’d drink it.”

  35. I want to stress that this is NOT a quote; it is a made-up caption on a photo of Michelle Obama looking ticked off, taken about the time of her husband’s first inauguration:
    “Listen, Rush, I haven’t forgotten what you said about Chelsea Clinton. Say any crap about my daughters and it will take a team of doctors to pry my foot out of your lying, cowardly, bloated, oxycontin-loving ass.”

    Again, NOT a Michelle Obama quote. But I snickered.

  36. Let’s see, how many ex wives does the oxycontin king have?

    Don’t you know that if the first lady had worn something nondescript for the occasion he would be saying how dowdy she looked.

    The hate oozes from his pores, he is so black inside that he will soon be self destructing on the outside.

  37. If Michelle had worn J Crew to a formal dinner honoring a foreign dignitary, the right wing would be screaming blue murder that they didn’t know how to behave in public.

    I learned a long time ago that when placed in a situation where you can’t do anything right and have zero chance of winning, you’re officially off the hook.

    She looks amazing. But even if she didn’t, she’s free to wear whatever she likes. The RWNJs can bite her butt and I wish mine looked as good.
