Cringe Creep
I hate Rush Limbaugh worse than the devil hates holy water.
He’s the sorriest excuse for a man I’ve ever known about.
And now he’s staring at the First Lady’s behind.
“There is Michelle Obama and the $12,000 gown by Carolina Herrera, and the French president Hollande is in the middle, and there’s Obama. You’ll notice that this dress is bigger than the president of France. Here, let me make one more adjustment here and I’ll show you this again. Take a look at that picture. The little guy in the middle is the socialist dictator — well, not dictator. He’s the socialist president of France. On the left, that’s not Oprah. Don’t confuse that. That’s Michelle Obama. I saw a picture of this from the rear. That’s why I thought it was Oprah. I did.”
President Hollande is 5 foot 6. (Although I’ve heard he’s taller laying down.) President Obama is 6 foot 1. The First Lady is 5 foot perfect.
So, Jaba the Limbaugh is making physical appearance jokes? Yeah, cause every woman in the world wants to physically pleasing to Rush Limbaugh.
Thanks to Brian for the heads up.