
March 09, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Sumbitches


Juanita is pretty sure it’s the Seventh Sign.  “If three uncowboys come riding up on white horses, get the hell outta Dodge,” she warns.

Juanita agrees with Ken Starr.

Liz Cheney has been under fire from both left and right after she tried to paint Department of Justice attorneys as terrorist sympathizers for working on the defense of Guantanamo detainees. One of the sternest rebukes comes from a law school dean, former judge, and well-known former special prosecutor.

“Good Lord,” Juanita comments to all within listening distance, “she’s her Dad with extra boobs, and she’s damned and determined to marginalize anyone who loves the Old Constitution.  You know, the one before her Dad shredded it and wrote a new one.”

“In honor of her being a real witch, nobody gets big blonde hair today,” Juanita announces.


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