Credit Suisse and Your Money

February 24, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


“Credit Suisse, that Swiss banking giant, has more moves than a water wiggle,” Juanita announces this morning, “and it’s spraying all over us.”

McLEAN, Va. (AP) — Four bankers with Zurich-based Credit Suisse Group were indicted Wednesday on conspiracy charges, accused of helping U.S. taxpayers hide as much as $3 billion in assets from the IRS.

“It’s nice that we caught those sons of motherless goats,” she says, “and Lord knows I hope we get every penny from every rich American goat who hid money there.”

“But,” she shakes her head and puts her hands on her hips, which is fighting mode, “some folks already got their payback.  If you do your checking, you’ll see that in the 2009-2010 election cycle, Credit Suisse’s PAC gave $477,000 to federal candidates and committees, including $10,000 contributions to Speaker John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Ways & Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan and Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) and Pistol Pete Sessions (R-TX).”

“Now, I know that keeping Randy’s welfare yacht afloat and Pete’s mouth oiled is expensive, and since tax money ends up in their pockets anyway, they are just bypassing the whole IRS middleman deal.  From now on, rich people can just bypass the IRS and give their tax money directly to Republican congressmen to restock their campaign war chests.”

“It’s not like we taxpayers needed the money for anything anyway,” she grins.

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