Crazy-making Speculation

November 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We have a game at the beauty salon when things get boring.

Did Michael Flynn flip or not?

You gotta wonder why Flynn wasn’t in the first round of indictments.

Do they think it would be a waste of time since Trump will just pardon him?

Do you think Flynn was willing to risk losing his military pension for a guy who threw him under the bus to save Mike Pence?

Since his son is also in a wad a trouble, was Flynn willing to cooperate if his son got off the hook?  You know, like Jared’s dad did.

If he afraid that Lock Her Up will become Lock Him Up And Throw Away The Key?

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island thinks Flynn is singing like the fat lady.

All the signals are suggesting he is already cooperating with the FBI, and may have been for some time. First of all, they had him dead to rights on a felony false statement, on the statement they took from him at the White House on the Kislyak conversations. Second, Comey reported that one of the things the FBI does with cooperators is get them to go back and clean up areas of non-compliance. Flynn, who will never be hired by a foreign government again, went back and cleaned up his foreign agent filings. Third, all of the reporting of the Eastern District of VA on subpoenas is one hop away from Flynn. He is the hole in a donut of subpoenas.

Here’s my theory.  It ain’t like Flynn to be quiet.  He shoots off his mouth a lot.  He is a man of many opinions – most of them very weird.

My bet is that he is and if he ain’t, he’s a bigger damn fool than I thought.


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