Crazy Crap of the Month

November 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We don’t give a Crazy Crap of the Month around here, but dammit, this might be a good time to start.

Republican lawmakers in Michigan, a state which eliminated tax credits for children last year, have proposed a tax credit for unborn foetuses of 12 weeks gestation.

Critics said the proposal was “absurd” and described it as a backdoor way of trying to pass “personhood” legislation which would give rights to an embryo and crack down on abortion.

Okay, and I haven’t even started on the fun part yet.

Fetus Lovin' Jud

One of the main sponsors of the foetus tax credit bill, Jud Gilbert, a Republican representative of Algonac, said the rationale behind it was to recognize that mothers have additional bills to pay.

Apparently, in Michigan, children don’t cost any money after they are born.

But, maybe not …

However, tax exemptions for children and families have been cut in the state, to the extent that another 9,000 children have been forced into poverty as a result, according to policy groups.

Way to go, Jud.  Your priorities are as clear as fog.

Jud Gilbert:  Crazy Crapper of the Month.

Thanks to Ralph for the heads up.

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