CPAC CRAP: Ann Coulter Edition

March 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Ann Coulter is sitting around one day thinking of mean, horrible things she has yet to say about Hispanics and her mind starts to wander … hummm … what is gross, demeaning, violent, hateful, and scares the crap outta women around the world?  Rape?  No, Hispanics!  That’s the ticket!

gop_crappac_logo_1“This isn’t natural. You have, especially on places like my favorite network, for humor, is MSNBC — and you know, they’re sneering, ‘Oh, Republicans just have to get used to it, the country is changing.’ No, this isn’t a natural process. It’s like you’re being raped and the guy is telling you, ‘Sorry, my penis is in you. Nothing you can do about it.’ No, you’re raping me! There is nothing natural about it!”

Ya know, if Ann Coulter didn’t exist, the left would have to create her.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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