Counting Down The Days

April 24, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In what my friend Vickie describes as “on the edge of Austin and sanity,” I give you this.



That’s a Saturday.  I’m wondering how many electric cars we can get to block all the roadways into Austin. Oh hell, what am I thinking? That’s a normal day in Austin.


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0 Comments to “Counting Down The Days”

  1. John J Spokas Jr says:

    I would definately go to this if I lived within 100 miles of the rally venue.

  2. Yeah, I gotta wonder how many Austinites saw that for the first time and thought “Speak for yourself mother’s**let.”

  3. Damn thumbs. And lack of proofreading.

  4. The big “GUNS” sign under the billboard seems appropriate somehow.

  5. I was leaving Austin on Wednesday and saw a couple of these signs. I reflexively flipped a bird toward the sign, hoping the guy in the car next to me didn’t take offense. Of course, that finger also comes up automatically every time I see something dedicated to Ronnie Raygun. And Texas has a lot of crap dedicated to that buffoon.

    I won’t be in town that day, drat it all. I would have been looking for a protest to join.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    lol I’m almost too old to be doing graffiti tricks on billboards. But. If not for the travel distance to Austin, I could be tempted. That sign deserves a flourish of TFGs as a border. The rest I’ll leave for y’all to fill in with your great wit and imagination.

  7. john in denver says:

    Another, sharper view of the billboard

    With a clearer view of the GUNS connection, too.

    Everything is a little weirder in Texas.

  8. Sam in Mellen says:

    If Donnie would only come to visit here in Wisconsin. We’d have such a lovely and memorable day hunting in the woods.

  9. And the scary part?

    Austin is considered to be one of the saner parts of Texas.

    Of course, it’s still in Texas.

  10. Did Austin get a deposit or bond to cover the city’s costs ??

  11. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Thanks, john in denver…certainly looks like The Orange Guy’s kinda people in his kinda neighborhood. But why is he always scowling in his photos? Weird.

  12. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Another freak show in the land of trumpf. Will abbutt and the other Texas misfit politicians show up for some votes?

  13. G Foresight says:

    RE:11 One explanation of his scowling is the analysis that he fundamentally does not like people. Thus, people are always out to get him. So, consequentially, he feels he must always strike first.

  14. Sandridge says:

    Steve from Beaverton @12,
    “Will abbutt and the other Texas misfit politicians show up for some votes?”

    Does the Chupacabra suck goats dry?

    This one was pretty close to me, I remember when everybody was all worked up about it:

    For y’all non-South Texans, some background and history:

  15. I think he’s trying to show how tough and serious he is…don’t tread on me, etc. I’ll bet he’s even tanned his balls down there at Mar A Loco.

  16. TFG and his loon parade should beware of kids with eggs. Or maybe not…

  17. Austin GOP voters are gonna give Mr Wig loadsa money .

  18. He must think that the scowl makes him look a tough, hard guy. Just makes him look constipated.

  19. Wasn’t it somewhere in south Austin that a Biden bus was nearly run off the road by some Trump supporters? Bet Trump gets a big turnout.
    Half of them will be from another state.

  20. The Surly Professor says:

    Everyone: that story Papa @16 linked to has a great quote about the “convoy” participants: “… truckers complained about needing to wash their vehicles and seemed shocked at how poorly received they were by locals.”

    So they drive trucks into the neighborhood that elected the assembly member, making noise and traffic worse. Then they cannot figure out why they were “poorly received”. Go figure.

    This is part of the reason the Repubs were shocked that T**** lost. They did not see a bunch of boaters with Biden flags out on Lake Travis. They did not see pep rallies of thousands of berserk Dems, with tears streaming down their faces at the thought of getting to see Biden as God himself returned to Earth. They have not seen long “convoys” of trucks spending days driving around honking horns and waving more signs. No major supporters of the Dem party spent tens of thousands of dollars on guns that they would then strut around with in fake “militias”.

    It’s never occurred to them that maybe folks have jobs to do, families to care for, and expenses that keep them from buying toys that don’t help the country or other folks. So they get shocked when discovering that not everyone wants to play the same game, or feels their representatives are divine entities from Heaven itself.

    Yup, go figure.

  21. john in denver says:

    Surly Professor, the location of the “convoy” of truckers is apparently on the border of Berkeley and Oakland … neither noted for their support of RWNJs, diesel trucks, white boys and their toys, or disturbance of the California mellow vibe.
