Cough, Sputter, Ignore

April 27, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


As you recall, their is a drought in Texas caused by Governor Rick Perry, whose inability to pray is equally matched by his inability to govern.

That drought caused power outages in Texas City, which on a cloudy day I can smell from where I live.

Today, we discover ….

TEXAS CITY, Texas – A state agency said air quality monitor readings in Texas City were too high for their instruments to measure around 8 a.m. Tuesday.

The state investigators arrived in Texas City after a series of power outages at three refineries and two chemical plants.

“Too high for their instruments to measure.”  That can’t be a good thing.  Ain’t that kinda like saying your fever is too high for a thermometer?

The problem was caused by salt on the power lines.  Rain generally wipes salt off the power lines.  However, the only water you can get around here is dehydrated.

I want to be honest with you and tell you that I wouldn’t believe a word that BP or the other oil companies say even if it was sworn to by three deacons, Willie Nelson, and the University of Texas Chess Club.  Okay, maybe I’d believe it if Willie swore to it.

So, apparently, the air was not safe yesterday.

I’m not saying that we should push the panic button.  I’m just saying that we should have one installed.

BP, who could not afford to have someone go wash their power lines, just reported $7.2 billion in profits.  That’s an amazing profit for ruining Texas gulf water and air.

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